To the world that said hello
I say goodbye
To the one I said I love you
I say my love will never die
To the ones that tried to saved me
I say thank you for trying
To the ones that hate me
I say you won
To the ones that saved me
I say I wanted to die
To the ones that love me
I say why
To the ones of my family
I'm in a better place
To the ones I called friends
I say I will miss you
To the demons inside
I say you got what you wanted
To the world that never meet me
I say you're lucky
To the ones that want to give up
I say stay strong without me
To the ones I saved
I say live happy
To everyone else
I say goodbye forever
I'm sorry for the pain I brought to you
I'm sorry I couldn't stay strong
To the hand that held me from falling
I let go
To the concrete that lays underneath me
Thanks for catching me
To the ones that find me
I'm sorry you had to see me dead like that
To the ones that find everything I hid
I'm sorry
To the end
I've joined the black parade
Dead at last
dark and sad poems and other things.
Poetryall of these poems are mine unless state that they aren't