Chapter 13~ Coma

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"Ma'am stay in the waiting room" the paramedic said as a group of doctors took Jaime away, I have to call the guys, I decide to call Vic
I cry and can't stop
"Haley what's wrong, are you okay"
"J-J-Jaime" I was able to get out
"Where are you"
"Hos-hospital" I stutter
"I'm on my way, I'll get the guys and Savannah"
He hung up and I stay in the waiting room and get in the corner not even sitting in a chair. I sit on the floor and bring my knees to my chest and cry and cry. 15 minutes later I hear someone yell out for me "HALEY" I lift my head up to see Vic, Tony, Mike, and Savannah. They ran to me and Savannah drops to her knees and hugs me tightly and I do the same and cry into her shoulder " it's going to be okay" she mumbles rubbing my back "haley" Vic said softly and I look up at him everything is blurry tho "what happened" he asked softly "Kevin shot him, this is a my fault" I mumble crying into Savannah's shoulder "no it's not, he was crazy, he was a bastard" Vic said reassuring me "Hal, this could never be your fault" Mike said "he's going to be fine" Tony said "we'll all be here for you and him" Savannah says not breaking the hug, I nod still crying

"JAIME PRECIADO" a doctor called out, I have never gotten up so fast and ran and everyone else followed "how is he" i ask with so much worry "he had severe internal bleeding, he lost a lot of blood, he is in a coma, I'm sorry" he said and my heart stopped "what room" I ask bluntly "excuse me" he asked "what room is he in" I ask again "346" he says and before he could say anything else I ran and I saw him in a hospital bed, he looked so...lifeless and it was all my fault. Everyone came behind me and I fell to the ground crying and this time Vic comforted me "ITS ALL MY FAULT" I screamed " o it's not Haley" Vic said "I have to use the bathroom" I said getting up and running to the bathroom. I got in and locked the door and cried. I smashed the glass and picked up the shard and let it dance along my wrist and let out a scream and then heard a bang on the door, then more bangs "HALEY, OPEN THE DOOR" I heard Tony yell banged on it "HALEY PLEASE OPEN" I heard Savannah yell I could tell she was crying "OPEN THE DOOR" Vic yelled "COME ON HALEY DONT HURT YOURSELF IT WASNT YOU FAULT" Mike said also banging on the door then i heard it unlock and notice the puddle of blood my wrist was in "HALEY" Savannah yelled and Tony picked me up bridal style "SHE NEEDS HELP" Vic yells and a nurse comes and takes me into an empty room "wrap her wrist and put in the IV" the doctor said and the nurse did as he was told "let her rest, her family can she her in about an hour" the doctor said before leaving and I was left with the nurse "why" he asked "the love of my life is in a come right now" I mutter "I'm sorry" he says "get some rest your family can come see you later" he said leaving and drifting into a dark sleep

-nightmare- (1 week later)

"Beepppp" the heart monitor in Jaime's room sounds "NO!!" I yell as the doctor rushes in and tells me to leave I go outside to see the guys and cry. the doctor comes out with a sad look on his face "im so sorry we did everything we could" he finished saying and I cried and the guys look at me "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" they chant
-end is nightmare-

I wake up screaming and the guys and Savannah wake up immediately "what happened" Vic asked and I began to cry hiding my knees to my chest "I want to see Jaime" I cried "I'll get the nurse" I heard Mike say before leaving "what was it" Tony asked "a nightmare" I mumbled in between cries "about what Savannah said sitting on the edge of my bed "a horrible one" I cried "tell us" Vic said sitting down next to my bed and I cried harder "Jaime died and you guys blamed me, even tho I know it's all my fault" I cried and Vic got up and so did Tony and they hugged me "we can never blame you, Haley" Tony said "you're part of our crazy loving family" Vic said and I hugged them back, then Mike came in with a nurse "okay let's get you in a wheelchair" he said I quickly got in the chair and he rolled me to Jaime's room and placed me next to his bed, he was still in a coma "I love you" I whispered "I love you too" Jaime said

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