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Scout screeched the motorcycle to a stop in front of Eli-- no Hawk's house and she got off of it quick. She walked up to the door and was fully prepared to kick it in, until she remembered the backyard was the way to sneak in.

She jogged around the back and caught the top of the fence with her hands, ignorin' the searing pain that struck her hands, at the splinters that pierced into them. She pulls herself up and over, as she dropped silently and safely onto the ground, on the other side of the fence.

She walked quickly over to the group of Cobras that were hangin' out on the back porch, and she picked out Hawk easily since his Mohawk was visible at any time of the day.

She stormed over to them and one of the guys shouted in warning, but, the shout was abruptly cut off, as her elbow caught him in the jaw.

Her roundhouse kick sent the next one flying into the dirt, as the rest of them were starting to realize that the attack was not going to stop. "The rest of you can leave. I'm here for Eli." She said coldly and Hawk flinched at their enemy since he knew exactly why she was there.

"The name is Hawk. Why do you want, to fight him so badly?" Ass Face snapped and Scout scoffed, as her eyes began to burn with the fury that her strikes gave away, a long time before her eyes or facial expressions, ever did.

"We are old friends, Mitch. And he knows exactly why. So would you, if you paid any attention instead of your attention being pulled away, by, warm beer." Scout said coldly, as her eyes flared up.

"What do you want?" Hawk asked her, as he stood up along with the rest of the Cobras.

"Don't talk to her, dude! Let's just kick her ass!" Ass Face snapped and the others charge at her, as Scout was rolling her eyes.

"You idiots never learn." She said and spun around quickly, knocking one of them flying and the fight was on.

Soon, it was Scout beating down on poor Hawk, who was trying and failin' miserably to keep up.

"What do you want me to do?"

Hawk shouted and coughed, and he felt her foot slam into his floating ribs and they both heard a loud crack, and Scout stepped back, her eyes burning, but it was more pain then anger at the moment.

"He's your best friend. Why the hell would you do something like that?" It was the force of the pain, that made him flinch at Scout's tone.

"Don't do something that you'll regret." Scout looks over her shoulder and so did Hawk, as Asher stood there with another very beaten up looking Serpent, standing right next to him.

"You got here a little late for a talk away from the edge." Hawk croaked and Scout kicked him in the ribs once again, effectively knocking or rather, kicking his wind out of him once again and Asher sighed at the actions.

"Do you really want to go back into the crap-shoot, for beating up one of the guys that you went into Juvie for defending in the first place?" Asher's words hit home, and Scout looked at him, then back over to Hawk, whose face was stuck in a grimace of pain.

"Hope it haunts you." Was all that she said to Hawk, who, grunted a little bit, as she walked out of the backyard and Asher motioned for the Serpent to go.

"What the fuck are you still doing here, asshole?" Hawk asked hoarsely of the guy, coughin' and spittin' blood out of his mouth.

Asher crouched down next to him about a foot away from him, looking unconcerned by Hawk's antagonistic nature and behavior.

"I do think that there is still hope for you, Eli. But you have to believe it on your own, before you can put it into a practice. This isn't just about being all popular, or being king of the school. If I'm right, you're just jealous, trying to get attention." Hawk growled at his words, but Asher shrugged a bit. "You could have just told her, but instead... you decided to play the long game. In retrospect, you probably should have just spat it out. Once I came back, you honestly looked like someone had put a bullet in your dog's head. You should tell her, before she goes too far and you can't get back to her good books." Asher advised and Hawk spat at him, and Asher stood up once again and walked away.

Hawk groaned, as he looked around and most of the other Cobras they had all bolted, as Scout had given them an fair chance to do so before.

Honor or Brutality {Cobra Kai}Where stories live. Discover now