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Morning came and Sabine woke first, she stirred lightly before slowly opening her eyes however she frowned when she saw the multicoloured wall in front of her. Her heart started to beat faster, she was afraid to roll over and find the space next to her empty and that Ezra's return, telling him her true feelings and kissing him was all a dream, so she stared at the wall trying to give herself the courage to turn around and face the reality but a pair of strong arms tightening their hold on her broke her thoughts.

she felt moving behind her and something dragging her closer to him, she feared she had made a dumb mistake the night before before a familiar voice calmed her down 

"Sabine?" Ezra asked half-asleep "you okay?" he asked

she smiled softly knowing everything that happened was real "yes I'm fine" she said before resting her head on the pillow, sighing happily 

the Jedi lifted his head from the pillow and placed a small kiss on her neck, the Mandalorian purred softly and turned around in his arms and smiled when she saw his blue eyes

"Morning" Ezra said with a smile on his face 

"Morning to you too" she said and kissed him softly on the lips, when she broke the kiss, she nuzzled her head into his chest 

the young man smiled happily before placing a kiss on her head. Sabine smiled and took a deep breath, this had been the best sleep she had in years and she got to wake up next to the man she loved so deeply.

the Mandalorian closed her eyes and decided to stay in bed for a few more minutes and enjoy Ezra's presence before waking up. Soon she starts to drift off back to sleep when Ezra's voice interrupts.

"I like this" he said 

"I like this too" she said, smiling back 

"I always wondered what it was like to have a normal morning without getting beaten by Thrawn or his forces, no briefings, no supply runs and now to wake up next to the woman I love" he said smiling lightly 

"Thrawn did what?!" Sabine said angrily 

"it is nothing, that is in the past now"

"okay, I hate to interrupt our moment but we need to get up"

she tried to get up but Ezra wouldn't let her 

"no, why can't you stay in bed with me a little longer?" he whined

Sabine smiled softly, he sounds like a 5 year old. Talking about 5 year olds, she needed to call Hera to tell her about Ezra's return and she needed to tell Ezra about Jacen. She put the thought of staying in bed with Ezra aside and got up from the bed.

"because, we have things to do Bridger and we need to get you some new clothes"

Ezra groaned and sunk his head into the pillow. "I hate to wake up early" he mumbled 

Sabine chuckled and headed to the refresher 

after having some breakfast the couple headed into Capital City. Ezra was still amazed by how much Capital City had changed since they liberated Lothal and how much Sabine had helped them to rebuild.

"Sabine?" he asked as they walked through the streets 

"yes?" she asked

"what happened with my parents' house or what was left of it?"

the Mandalorian stopped and turned around "it was demolished but Rhyder decided to make a memorial park in its place"


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