Chapter 2

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I decided I was going to walk to the park since it was pretty close by. My brown boots clacked against the concrete of the side walk.

Once I arrived I saw the back of a girls head, must have been Anne. She had space buns so I figured I would head over to her.

"Hi!" I said nervously. I waved my hand as my shoulders were perked up all the way to the end of my neck.

"Omg hi!" Anne said setting her water bottle on the side of the wooden bench. She made room for me so I sat down, of course.

"So.. um." I said nervously.

"Why you so quiet!?" Anne said chucking, she elbowed my arm lightly.

"I've always just been more of an introvert. I like small spaces, reading and writing..!" I said explaining myself a bit.

"Really! I'm like a party girl so people think of me as an idiot. I really like books too." She said excitedly. "I do like parting but doesn't mean I'm stupid!" She continued.

"Heh, yeah." I said blushing a bit.

Anne looked at my cheeks. "Aww, your blushing! You getting hot, it is hot and your wearing a sweater..?" Anne said.

"No, I'm fine." I answered truthfully.

"Let's go get ice cream, Im bored." She said getting completely off topic. She launched her arm out and pulled me to the nearby ices cream shop.

We stood as we walked in the same pace while our hands were clasped together.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?!" A girl said. She looked around 16. she was petite and had dyed hair.

"Oh hi Annie! Who's the girl..?" She said smirking.

"Hi kitty. She's just a friend, we met each other at Starbucks." Anne said shrugging off what the girl said earlier.

"Hi, I'm Catherine Parr. You could call me Cathy." I said politely.

"Hi Cathy, I'm Kitty. I've heated Jane talk about you since your roommates! And I'm Anne's cousin." She said bouncing slightly.

"Okay just serve the ice cream." Anne said getting a little impatient.

"We'll you gotta tell me your order." Kitty said.

"I'll have a coffee flavoured ice cream, in a cup please." I said in a professional manner.

"And you know what I want kitty." Anne said casually.

"... Chocolate ice cream!!" They both shouted at the same time, both of them acting completely childish.

Kitty handed the ice cream and we walked off, Anne didn't pay and she said it was fine cause they were cousins.

After we finished our ice cream we went to the mall, and after that we headed for some donuts.

"Wow this day has really been a blast." I said smiling brightly at her.

"I know, we should do this some other time. You free on Sunday?" She said.

"I'll have to check my schedule, but I'll text you if so." I answered.

We both hugged and said our goodbyes and I got going. Since I remembered I didn't bring my car when I came I called an Uber.

I got into the car, "Hi.." I said shyly to the driver.

"Hello.." they said back. They turned around for a split second and I thought I recognised them.

I rubbed it off thinking it was cause I might have been tired from all the fun we had.

"So how's your day been." They said.

"It's been pretty great. Oh and I'm Catherine." I replied.

"Oh.. in Henry." They said, and then I realised this was Henry. Henry Tudor..

"Oh um, could you let me out of the car for a moment?" I said shivering a bit.

"No." He said sternly.

Then it happened, I was out like a light switch.

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