I'M A WHAT?!....... FOR WHO?!

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Saturday, May 15.
De laro, Oklahoma.
12:00 am.
Palmeri house hold.
Subject target :
Calisto Palmeri, 15
Subject delivery to : Prince Mathiaues of the vampire race

               (Calistos p.o.v.)

    It was late on Friday night and i was sitting in my small room if you could even call it that... You see I wasn't even treated like a child in my house. I was treated like a slave.  I was planning on running away my bag was packed with my 12 pairs of jeans and shirts along with my converse.

I had a small carry on bag filled with money and other things...

I didn't have to worry about getting a job i had completed college with my degrees and docterits in english and writing.... so yeah job marker there...

My mom drank and did drugs...

My dad was abusive and didn't care about me.

My life pretty much sucked. But here i am sitting on my bed in my navy blue short shorts and yellow V-neck with white peds socks and a sports bra... planning my escape.



It was time, I was leaving all of my worries behind.

The drunk mother.

The abusive father.

Now where to go.

No escape.

Until now, now i'm free and nothing is going to stop me.

i put on my dark grey beanie, and sweater, I also slipped on my navy converse.

I threw my duffle out the open window and slipped out and onto the roof with my bag, and then hung off the gutter and dropped down to the soft green grass, illuminated by the light of the full moon.  I grabbed my duffle and hefted it over my shoulder.  I wasn't five yards from the house when i felt all the air leave my lungs as i was shoved to the ground. A bag was placed over my head and my hands were put behind my back, at some point my pack had been ripped off.

    "Put her in the car Nathan, we need to do this fast or else the queen will have our heads."

i was placed into the car rather gently and the cuffs were removed. i herd two more doors slam before the bag was taken of of my head, messing up my dark chocolate colored cork screw curls.  I fixed my hair and replaced my beanie, when I looked up I saw two men with blonde hair one driving and one sitting next to me who was currently shoving my bags in the back. when he was finished he looked over at me.

   "Where are you taking me?"

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