20 Questions

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(Callisto's P.O.V)

Nothing! He had said nothing. I had been left absolutely no information on where I was being taken and why. Now here I am sitting on a dark brown leather wrap - around couch with my bags on the floor at my feet. I had been sitting here for maybe five minutes and I was born already, so I pulled the zipper of my book bag and pulled out one of maybe 20 400-600 page books. The book I pulled out was a book on royal vampires. I had been interested in vampires ever since I was little. Watching twilight made me want to puke. It was so stupid, none of the characteristics were correct unless you wanted to count the some what fair skin, but even the vampires can get a darker shade of skin just like humans do. My book told many different tales of vampire royalty, and how they are different from the rest of a vampire population.

My gram had once told me about an old family legend, it was about one of my great - great aunts. I think her name was Gennaveve, but the legend goes like this, once when she was very young Gennaveve went into the forest to escape her parents constant fighting. while she was in the forest she met a boy who showed her a world that was unknown to the human race. This boy was rumored to be a vampire royal. and as Gennaveve grew up in the castle with him they grew very close and eventually fell in love and married. Gennaveve had died giving birth to their first and only daughter.

After that the legend ends, and it goes into more detail in my book. It's one of my favorites and I can't help but read it over and over again. Something that always got to me was the fact that my ant wasn't a normal person and I knew that and so did gram. The person that I called mom before was really my step mom and when she married my dad they hated me together. I would always go over to gram's house when they were fighting over me. I kept everything valuable at her house all of my paintings drawings and instruments were always at her house. I felt small wet droplets on my hands and i realised I was crying. I wiped my tears and put my book away. when I looked up I was starring into a pair of eyes that resembled the flames of a fire much like my own. He was slightly tan and had black spikey hair, he was very built and looked like a monster opposed to my 5"5 hight, so im guessing about 6"2.

"Who are you?" I asked.

" I should be asking the same but sadly I already know why you are here." He replied.

"Wait you know why I'm here! finally no one else can seem to give me any answers as to why I'm here and its starting to bug me."

" Your not gonna want to know when I'm finished... do you know what a vampire is?"

"Yes, but how is that realivant to why I am here?"

" Well I am a vampire and now that I'm eighteen my mother chose you to be kind of like my slave... you were a birthday present."

"Okay." I said "As far as I'm concerned anything is better than living with my parents."

" Do you want to see your rooms and maybe talk a little bit?"

"That sounds fine."


( Matt's Bedroom)

We walked up maybe seven flights of stairs and down a hallway to a set of red french doors. When he opened them i was looking at the biggest bedroom I had ever seen. In the middle of the left wall was a king size bed with navy blue sheets and white and tan accent pillows. I noticed three doors on the opposite wall. The boy walked up to the furthest one and walked inside naturally I followed. When I entered it was the most amazing room I ever seen. It had a queen size bed with more navy blue and white and tan.

"This is your room, the bathroom and closet are over there and feel free to make the room your own. Now lets put your things down and talk about things in my room."

I set my things down on the bed and walked out after him. I had taken my shoes off and walked in after him. We sat on the bed and i starred into his eyes for maybe five minutes.
" So lets play 20 questions, and get to know each other better." He said " ok you go first"
"Umm.. ok so whats your name?"
"I am Mathiaus Delven Maurice McNemera, prince and heir to the throne of the vampire kingdom."
" oh um wow.... uhh its your turn."
"What is your name?"
"My name is Calisto Marzipan Palmeri." "ok so where are we exactly?

"We are in a remote part of the Italian country side."

I looked at the clock and it read 7:34 am. 
My parents should be up soon and would be finding an empty bed and empty room and an unwanted child gone from their lives forever. It's not like I wanted to be kidnapped I just wanted to leave the horrible life I had to live till now behind but now you know what lied in store for me. Something was off about the man sitting in front of me I didn't know what it was maybe it was the fact that whenever I looked into his eyes something inside of me turned butterflies in my stomach and maybe it was the fact that his touch was warm and sent tingles and sparks up my arm as she traced unique patterns on my hand. I don't know what it was but something told me that I was meant to be here now I just had to figure out why.
        "Why aren't you surprised?" He asked.
  " Surprised about what?" I questioned.
        " I told you I was a vampire and yet you had no sudden reaction like I was crazy or under some delusion why is that?"
  " The paranormal was nothing new to me I grew up with stories being told to me by my grandmother. So I don't know I just didn't find it strange when you said you were a vampire it all makes sense your henchmen are more considerate and not so much on the subtle side when it comes to disclosure of your powers." I replied.
             "Well then it seems that you were able to distinguish that we have certain powers what about you, you're not normal, you're not a human, what are you?"
         "I don't know exactly" I replied "My parents aren't exactly my parents I mean my dad is my birth father but my mom isn't your new reason I know about the supernatural it's because of my grandma she always told me our family is special but I never knew what she meant I mean sure little weird things happen when I was a kid. You know I didn't think much of it I was little back then but looking back now I realize something is different it's like I don't know I would always think that I wanted something to happen and it would happen."
        "Maybe related to  a Fae..." He said.
" What is a Fae?" I asked.
" It's like a fairy but the language and origin behind it is different the spelling is different to.
A Farie is and elemental creature these creatures control the elements the forest and sometimes the people and things around them, Farie are rumored to be very powerful especially when all together they are not a race to be taken lightly... ever."

"Ohhhh... I see, well I know why I am here but I don't understand,  why me?      What did I do to become a filthy blood slave to the prince hmmm...?" I questioned.

" To be honest it was my mothers doing she always felt that I needed to take a slave and now seeing as I will be taking the throne soon from my father she felt that it was time for me to have one of my own..." He said, "  I am truly very sorry for what has happened to you on this night Cali however this is irreversable and now in three weeks time you are coming to the Elite Vampire Training Academy,  this is where er learn to take over the positions of our  parents, as well as fighting and self defense."

" Uhhhhhmmmmmm.... does this mean that I have to go back to school?"

"yes" he said.

" well Matt I've got news for you I graduated when i was seven and I'm not going back..."

" Well if you feel that way then you can take classes with me and my friends, and seeing as though you seem very good at combat you will train with us as well."

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