Yakunoya-Future kid

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I really liked how the other future kid chapter went so....... 

This is in a different au


This is the perfect time to tell Noya and Yaku abt my mistake, we are having a sleepover and I'll bring him with me. I hope this goes well. 

"MEL!!!!" Noya yells while jumping towards me. "Is Yaku here?" I ask while stepping out of the way. "Yeah, why?" He asks "I need to show you guys something" 

"What is it, Mel?" Yaku asks while coming up to me. I look down sheepishly "so umm" I look behind me and motion for Benjiro to come over. He looks at Yaku and Noya then jumps onto Yaku yelling "MOMMM" it's so cute I want to die

 He looks at Yaku and Noya then jumps onto Yaku yelling "MOMMM" it's so cute I want to die

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(like this but instead of the volleyball and animal features and he's hugging Yaku)

 "Benjiro, honey that's your mom from the past he doesn't know you yet" He looks disappointed "Oh Oki" Why is he so cute Yaku picks him up again "AHH YOU'RE ADORABLE" Noya looks at me "How did he get here" I look to make sure the door is open. "Uhhhh" it is good "BYE" I run out the door.

Haikyuu oneshots with some story ideas.Where stories live. Discover now