Start of term prank (part one)

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As soon as the Marauders got to their usual compartment they started planning right away.

"So boys what are we doing as part of the 'welcoming committee' this year?" An overly-eager James asked the rest of his friends sitting around him.

"absolutely no clue mate" Remus answered back defeatedly.

"Sirius?, peter? Got any ideas?" James asks still hopeful.lil

"Nope" and "nothing" were the responses he got in return.

"aw, come on guys we're fourth years now we need to step up our game" James groans.

"Don't worry mate we've got hours to plan" Sirius says reassuringly.

-----------lil' time skip-----------

After a lot of "eh not up to our usual standards" or "how the hell would we be able to pull that off?!" Sirius finally remembered something that Minnie had said only a few days before they had left the previous year "honestly, it's like running a circus with you lot here". That statement had led him to think of something.

"James how many smoke bombs do we have?" he asked just breaking out of his thoughts, "I stocked u like A LOT over the holidays so like I dunno maybe 24?" "perfect, Remus you still know how to make eh what's it called uhm BANNERS appear in mid-air right?". "yes I still know how to do that I think" Remus answers very confused. "brilliant absolutely brilliant."

and with that Sirius told them his master plan.

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