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Chapter one:

I was walking from school on a dark day of fall, my headphones on listening to whatever was on my iPod. I wasn’t really paying attention as I felt someone push me. As I Looked up I saw a blond girl, than skin and heavily maked up face. I started to play with my dark curls in an attempt to calm the urge I had to stab this idiotic bitch in the eye as she just walked away laughing at me and calling me a freak. I entered a only girl school after an incident at my old school and if I didn’t behave like the good girl my mom always forced me to be I would have to live with my grandmother in the middle of nowhere. As I finally reached my front door I noticed that my mom wasn’t home from work yet. I unlocked the door to find a little puppy running to me. I took my little Toby in my arms and went to the kitchen. I saw on the fridge a note saying “I will be working late tonight I’m sorry Haven. Food is in the fridge. Love mom. Ps don’t forget to feed the dog. Give him what’s left, I’ll pass to the store to get him food.” I smiled as I placed down the letter and ran to my room. I changed my school uniform for a grey hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans. I ran downstairs, took a random knife that I hid in a bag and putted on my black combats boots.

I walked further into the grey sky hearing the sound of cracking leaves under my boots. A soft breeze blew through my hair as I arrived in front of a dance studio. I hid myself in the alley next to the building and waited until I finally saw that blond girl from earlier. Since I entered this school I had this girl bullying me. I couldn’t take it anymore and decided that I would break my promise and succumb to the feeling deep inside me. I took the knife and pulled that bitch in the alley, making sure to cover her mouth. I made sure that she was looking at me as I started to slowly cut her cheek. As I could hear her whimpers and muffled scream I chuckled darkly. Looking at her dead in the eyes I said “What a shame no one’s here to save you from the freak, right? Well that’s not my fault if I’m doing this, you fucking asked me to. Say hi to death for me.” After that I stabbed her multiples times in the chest until I heard no more screams, living her corpse in the alley.

As I made my way home I felt like someone was looking at me, staring holes into my skull. I turned my head to see if someone was there but I only saw a cat running through the street. I shrugged it off and continued walking. As I finally reached for my home I looked in the parking to only see an empty space. I sighed in relief seeing that my mom was still working. I took off my boots and hoodie to be left in a plain red t-shirt. I walked to the fridge and took the dinner my mom made for me and putted it in the microwave. After I ate, I walked up and took a shower, cleaning my dark brown locks from the blood that might have been stuck in it. As I got out and putted on my pj, I heard the sound of the front door and the familiar barks of my little pug. The sweet voice of my mother ran through my hears.
 “Honey I’m home!

Hey mom, I said as I walked downstairs, had a great day?

Not really, she sighed, I swear if this stupid boss of mine keeps trying to flirt with me I will slap him!

If I were you, I already would’ve done it, I chuckled, got little Toby’s food?

Oh yes, it’s right here, she said as she handed me a bag, be a dear and go take that to the kitchen, I’ll make us hot chocolate so we can relax and get some more time together, she smiled.

Sorry mom I can’t still stuck on my homework, I said giving an apologetic look, tomorrow I’ll have more time.

Fine, my mom sighed, do go to bed too late and don’t forget that your dad will come and get you for the weekend.

Don’t worry mom, love you.

I love you too honey, she said as I ran back in my room, I love you too.”

I then took my school bag and got my homework out. After finishing my homework I turned all the lights of and got to bed. I woke up and putted on my uniform and walked downstairs. As I sat down in the kitchen, my mother walked in a said “Haven, you really got to start looking more like a girl, putting on makeup never killed someone and it can help you get noticed by boys or girls. I don’t care what you bring home and you can be sure I won’t tell your father about it.” My mom was the only one who knew about my bisexuality, when I first told her she took it surprisingly well and even promised to never tell my dad if I didn’t want her to. My mom always has been the open minded and cheerful woman, things I really envied about my mom. I got out of my thoughts when my mom kissed my cheek and said goodbye to me. As I watched her try to run in her heels I couldn’t help but smile. I finished my morning routine and headed of to school, making sure that Toby had enough water for today.

I stepped out of the house to find an envelope on the stairs. I opened the letter and started reading it.

Dear Haven,


I’ve wanted to say that blood really suits you.


Your secret admirer


I guess troubles just started.



First chapter! I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading ^^


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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