Meeting Sammy Part 18

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I walked out of my room still thinking about what Sammy said, does he really want me? Maybe, but would he stay faithful, or would he go flirt with every girl that comes along? Johnson interrupted my thoughts by pulling me out the front door, my keys in his hand. I waved to the guys as we left and we got in the car, automatically I plugged in my phone and started playing Cheat Codes by Jack and Jack. I sang along, and so did JJ. We were laughing and smiling, it was never a dull moment with him. 

We stopped at Starbucks, getting candy cane frappes. We had a worker take a picture of us, for Twitter. He had his arm around my waist holding his frappe in his other hand and pressed a kiss against my cheek, I had one hand slung around his neck, the other holding my frappe and doing a peace sign, my cheeks were blushed from the kiss. We both agreed it was cute, and worthy of our Instagrams. He uploaded it on his Twitter first with a caption reading "Day out with this beauty @BabyGWilkinson" I favorited it, and then uploaded it on my Twitter with the caption "Day with this QT, Much needed time ogether @JackJackJohnson" We both chose a quote to use for it on Instagram JJ's read "You don't have to keep me falling like this but it'd be cool if you did" and he tagged me, I liked it then posted mine with the quote "A chance to change, but I feel the same and I wonder, Why would I wait till I die to come alive?" 

We got back in the car and JJ held my hand the rest of the way to the beach, we sang Flights on the way, smiling and laughing with each other. Maybe JJ was different than the other 3, maybe he's what I needed. We finally found a parking spot at the beach and got out, looking for a good place to sit, JJ grabbed our towels, phones and the suntan lotion while I picked a perfect spot. We laid out our towels and JJ took off his shirt, I noticed a small mark on his shoulder from where I bit him earlier, and I blushed. 

JJ wasn't as toned as the other guys, he wasn't scrawny but he wasn't muscular. He was perfect. I took the chance to take in his features starting with his faint v line, then trailing up his flat tummy, then looking across his collarbones. Finally I got to his lips, remembering how they felt against my cheek, and lastly I looked into his eyes, realizing he caught me staring but I couldn't look away. His beautiful blue orbs were piercing into me, looking past everything, staring into my soul. I coughed and looked away. "Uhm, JJ, can you help me with my suntan lotion?" He nodded and sat behind me, I pulled my hair over my shoulder and he squirted some into his hands rubbing them together before massaging the lotion into my shoulders and down my back. It felt really good. He slid his hands around my waist and whispered "My turn?" I blushed and nodded then we switched places, he laid on his stomach and I sat on his butt, then rubbed lotion into his shoulders and back. He let out soft moans and I couldn't help but smile. 

I climbed off him and laid beside him on my towel, he stayed on his stomach, so I laid on my back. His hand quickly found mine and we just laid there tanning, and holding hands. It was pure Paradise. 


Sammys p.o.v. 

I knew what she was doing, trying to be a little tease because we were teasing her, I know how she thinks, I know every little thing about this girl, yet she doesn't choose me. She keeps choosing fucking Kenny, and now she's fucking G too, but as much as I wanna hate her for hooking up with the squad, I can't. I'm in love with her and she's only getting with the squad to get back at me, after all I did have sex with Nikki... 


Johnsons p.o.v. (weren't expecting that were you) 

Laney looked gorgeous today, who am I kidding, she looks gorgeous everyday. When we first met her, I knew I had to have her, fuck that she's with Kenny, fuck that G wants her, fuck that Sammys jealous. I need her, they always get the girls, I just want her to be mine. She hugged me first, obviously I mean something to her. I never wanted to pull back from that hug, having her in my arms was just perfect. I was determined to make her mine, and I would prove what a perfect boyfriend I could be, I know we leave in two days, but I'm planning on asking her to come back to Nebraska with us. I'm just hoping she says yes... 


Laneys P.O.V. 

Johnson and I had our hands were intertwined, I gotta admit this felt perfect, it felt amazing. I wish we could just spend the next two days together, here on the beach. Just JJ and I, but I had to face the other boys, and soon enough I had to make a decision, I couldn't have all of them, but I wasn't sure who I truly wanted. 

I was pulled out my thoughts by Johnson, picking me up. Were we leaving? No couldn't be, we'd only been here for an hour at most. I wrapped my arms around his neck, snuggling into his chest, and then he dropped me into the ocean. I squealed and jumped up back onto him, not letting go. "JJ!" I yelled snuggling against him. He laughed "Yes babygirl?" I blushed when he said that, and bit my lip. "What was that for?" He shrugged "I wanted you to come play with me, quickest way was to drop you in" He sat down in the water so I was straddling his lap, it was so cold but it felt so good at the same time. He looked up into my eyes, keeping us floating and leaned in, pressing our lips together. My stomach exploded with fireworks, and butterflies, the same way it was when Sammy and I first kissed, except this was stronger, and more meaningful. 

What the hell have I gotten myself into...? 



Stay true, stay you, stay beautiful<3 

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