Physiology, Age, and Sexual/Gender Orientation (D-I)

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A white orb...ew

Literally just nothing but an orb with a face and gross stick arms.

Seems to be unable to say anything other that "Aw, Seriously?". Irritating.


Age 26

Has a hole for a mouth

Body is made of fried dough and blood is cherry filling

Can stretch his mouth out

While being combined with Four, he grew small horn nubs, which are now hidden under his bangs


Age ???

A white orb, like David, but now has hair.

Can only say "Da"


Age 26

Skin is brittle and rough like an egg, marked by yellow spots all over

Bleeds out yolk, and her body is hollow


Age 22

When rubbed against something, his skin can erase. This is very painful, as little bits of him come off as well

Has no brain

Possibly has no other internal organs either as oddly enough seems to sustain no damage at all from his bad smoking habits.


Age 23

Head is detachable, as it's connected to her through a thick cord

Has a mostly robotic body, and a back panel where she has batteries


Age 25


Body is riddled with water burn scars

Body gradually grows hotter the closer you get to the head and core

Hand to elbow / foot to leg - Warm, but touchable

Elbow to shoulder / knee to hip - Hot, uncomfortable to touch

Head / Torso - Boiling, will burn upon touching

Hair is actual fire. When his hair is extinguished (safely), it remains as a bed of embers that will slowly burn back into a flame

Has pointed ears due to being Phenomenen

Sizzles to death when submerged in water

Firey Jr.

Age 15

Same as Firey, but much smaller

Allegedly created by a stray ember from Firey's hair catching a lemon leaf on fire.


Age 26

Pointed ears, Phenomenon

Hair is sectioned off like petals and can fall off in clumps. This has lead to theories about her wearing a wig

Somehow able to run in heels(perhaps a gift from mother nature)

Can take in nutrients from the sun, but it takes a long time


Age 20

Made entirely of intricately folded, cut, and glued origami

One of the lightest contestants, as she isn't able to be weighed using regular scales

Can drift on air, but has very little control over flight

Will disintegrate if soaked in water for too long

Has acid free coating apparently


Age 32

Trans man, straight

Hair is actually locs of fries. Apparently eating and losing them can kill him (they taste good in sauces and ice cream though)

Insides are salty and starchy, and he has a cardboard exterior. He often has to clean grease from his body to avoid smelling bad, and he is very prone to fire and water


Age 25

Trans woman, lesbian

Wooden body, it has ball joints.

Wood is stronger than the wood Pencil is made out of

Skeletal structure is made from the same alloy as her earrings. This causes her to be magnetic, which she can toggle on and off

Resistant to lava


Age 19


Body is entirely lime gelatin. Cutting him open reveals green insides! Due to his non-solid form, he can slip through gates easily

Hair is translucent the further from the roots it gets

Falls apart when soggy and is generally gross.

Golf Ball

Age 25


Super dense, has insides made of hard rubber and a tough core. Due to her density, she can't swim

Outsides are hard and tough to crack


Age 12

Hair is made of grass, which moves when he emotes

Pointed ears

Able to walk around barefoot all the time, even if the ground was made of spiked rocks (the skill)

Basketball has adopted him, when is unknown.

Ice Cube

Age 17

Skin is glassy and freezing to the touch. It shatters like glass and always has the look of frostbite

Melts in extreme heat which can cause her to shrink

Pointed ears, hidden under hood

Able to slide on the ground and defy friction

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