Physiology, Age, and Sexual/Gender Orientation (L-P)

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Age 23

Demiromantic bisexual

Can glide on air and water

Has a weird amount of knives hidden on her person(unknown where they even come from)

Pointed ears

Can take in nutrients from the sun much faster than Flower

Oddly enough is sharper on the edges of her hair, possibly a side effect from eating nothing but yoyleberries for 5+ years.


Trans man, gay

Lower body is pure electricity

Riddled with electricity scars

Body glows in the dark. While eletrocuting others, his eyes and lower body are nearly blinding white

Tends to lose control of his own abilities

Easily influenced by others

Pointed ears



Nose acts as a switch, able to be toggled

Head can turn 180° to reveal a switch face on the back of her head. This second face is typically obscured by her hair

Body is made of plastic, but is very durable

Killed a man with one thumb (apparently very brutal)

Carries at least 5 times as many weapons than Leafy, most comedic is her axe

Tension with Foldy.


Age 25

Trans woman, Lesbian

Hair and head are edible and are made of grape candy. Hair is similar in texture to cotton candy, while her blood is sickly sweet grape juice. Both can be melted at high temperatures. This sometimes results in a smaller mimic of her face (possibly uses this to prank others)

Body is plastic


Age 21

Trans He/They, pansexual

Hair glows, as well as bodily fluids

Hair is crystalline in structure, yet still soft

Super strong

We all love him

Voice is that of an angel :)


A dimwit.

Blood is purple ink (washable). Hair also secretes this ink, so he can rub his hair on walls and make a mark

Body is plastic


Age 23

Bisexual, female lean

Fragile wooden body

Extremely flammable hair that can stay alight and not hurt her. Fires are typically started by accident, but can happen if she hit her head hard enough (coughexperiencewithpencilcough)


Age 20


Very sharp, metallic hair, able to stab others (Snowball has complained about not being able to sit right for a month after getting his ass kicked by her)

Body is metallic


Age 25

Trans woman, bisexual

Sharp, magnetic hair

Metallic and magnetic body

Powerful slaps and very fast


Age 18

Metallic hair and body, non magnetic

Produces a portal of money when he touches Coiny

Unlike Coiny, lacks arms

Have we seen this guy somewhere?


Age 19, has the mental capacity and humor of a 16 year old

Trans Male, Pansexual

Hair and blood produce black ink

Complete and utter dumbass but not as much as Marker

Comedically had 'Pen Island' tattooed on his shoulder. No spaces, all caps


Age 23


Hair acts as an eraser, while feet and shoes can leave behind graphite markings

Body is tough wood, and bones are graphite(breaking her bones is very easy, though exposed bones are rare.)

Very flammable, but can inhale fire (coughexperiencewithmatchcough)


Age 24

Trans woman, asexual

Insides are all blueberry filling, which is prone to exploding under stress

Skin is warm and similar to pie crust

Edible (yummy)

How is she so flexible (yoga instructor possibly?)


Age 22


Body is similar to a plush doll, full of stuffing and cloth skin. Her seams are located on sides and joints

Can store things in her hair, which can lead into her body

Has pica


Age 24


Plastic body with ball joints. Arms and legs can be popped off at the shoulder and hip

Able to roll really well

Hair can be sharp near the edges


Age 24


Sweater and hair change color while speaking

Able to fly and change size

Greedy. Very very greedy. Will probably stab you for a corn chip

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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