Mondo's Final Death

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After hours of spinning, the motorcycle came to a stop. It hit the ground with a crash as Mondo's barely alive body fell with it. Mondo was dragged out of the ball cage by Monokuma and was practically thrown into a inhuman sized metal bucket, face first. His torturous execution wasn't over yet. Mondo couldn't move, he was so exhausted he just didn't have the will to fight his death and at this point it was inevitable. A large hammer came down, pounding Mondo into the metal beneath him, making blood splatter onto the bottom of the bucket along with the sides. The hammer lifted slightly and came down again, and again, and again and again and again. The hits weren't enough to kill him, just enough to make him break. His ribs cracked with a hit, shards of his bones poking out through his skin. After Monokuma decided it was enough torture the hammer slowly lifted up off Mondo, the front of it being painted with his blood. Monokuma slammed the hammer down. The brutal hit making him slowly give in to death, and soil himself. Urine spread across the bottom of the bucket as feces filled his pants. With one final harsh slam of the hammer, Mondo was officially dead. The skin on his back torn open from impact, showing his broken ribs and ripped guts. His skull practically broken in half. His legs oozing blood as his body laid there motionless. Monokuma looked over the pathetic feces and urine covered corpse before pouring in the buttermilk.


Metal creaked as the conveyor belt brought out a small tin. A butter container sat at the end of the belt, on the lid was a printed design of Mondo with the words "Mondo butter". Monokuma popped the lid off, the inside filled with a dark maroon substance. A murky clear brown liquid floating around the edges of the container. Monokuma put back on the lid to hopefully seal in the rotting, foul smell. This was Mondo's despair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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