Chapter Seventeen

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    tw: mentions of gore

      Yukiko sat in the corner of the room, listening to the rest of the girls idly chatting with one another. She had been in on speaking to them for a while, but now, she was tired. But with their constant talking, it was hard to get any rest.

     She had spoken to Kenma earlier, as well, and given him the next book as she had promised. They spoke for a little in the hallways, before number ten of Karasuno, who she learned was named Shoyo Hinata, took her friend away from her. Yukiko shrugged it off, and now she sat in the room.

     "Nakamura, why don't you join us?" A young, blonde girl spoke. Yachi Hitoka of Karasuno. "Aren't you bored?"

     Yukiko gave her a weak smile. "Sorry, Hitoka. I'm not used to talking to so many people for long periods of time. I...think I'm gonna go take a walk, actually."

     "Okay!" Hitoka smiled kindly. "Just be safe! And, don't stay out too late."

     Yukiko nodded, before heading out of the room. She was in pajamas she brought, just a simple blue long sleeve with black sweatpants. It was comfy and warm for the cool summer night, which Yukiko loved.

     She stood in front of a window, glancing around at the pretty scenery. It was dark, but the full moon illuminated the outside, giving everything a haunting glow. She wanted to go outside completely, lay in the dewy grass for a bit, but she was a female in a strange place. She wouldn't go anywhere alone, especially at night.

     "Nakamura?" The girl in question turned her head, catching sight of Akaashi. He also wore his pajamas, a black t-shirt with blue shorts. She wanted to laugh at their matching color palette, but she was distracted by the butterflies in her stomach. "What are you doing out here?"

     Yukiko faced the window once more. "Talking to all the girls made me tired. I think my social battery ran out." She glanced at him once more. "But I can always talk to you. What are you doing?"

     Akaashi lifted up a gray blanket he was holding in his hand. "It was too loud in our room. Half of Karasuno and Nekoma crashed our room, and they're having a little party. So, I decided to go stargazing." He fiddled with his hands a bit after placing the blanket over his shoulder. "Would you like to join me?"

    Yukiko's lips lifted up in a smile. "I'd love to." She spoke, and the two began walking side by side. "I was going to go by myself, outside I mean, but I was afraid I was going to get kidnapped, or something." When Akaashi gave her a strange look, she shrugged. "It's dangerous to be a woman at night. Especially if she's alone."

     "Well, it's a good thing you're not alone." Akaashi chuckled quietly. "Though, I don't know how well I could defend us against attackers. I'm not all that strong."

     He smiles more when you're around. Yukie's words flooded her mind at the sight of his smile. Yukiko gulped quietly, hesitantly matching it with a smile of her own. She chose to ignore the thoughts. "I'm sure you could do more than you think. You should give yourself more credit."

     "Thanks, Nakamura." The two stood on a small hill just slightly far away from the school, but close enough they could be back there in a minute. Akaashi spread the blanket below, taking a seat. Yukiko followed, trying to avoid being too close. Together, they laid down, and stared up at the starry night.

     Yukiko loved the way the stars twinkled blues, reds and yellows. It was beautiful, and such a thrilling sight to her, no matter how many times she looked at them. The stars were always the same, yet it always seemed brand new whenever she glanced up.

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