Chapter 8

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Ruka opened the door, startled to find both Natsume and Mikan waiting outside. But he didn't remark on it as he showed them into his room. Natsume, as usual, arrowed to the bed and sat in his usual cross legged position while Mikan sat beside him to his left. Ruka took the chair across from them and waited patiently. Mikan, unable to hold it in any longer, nudged Natsume, "Go on, explain!" Natsume looked at her as he said slowly, "Okay. So there have been some new additions to the council that believe we can make use of the Special Abilities Class on missions that are ranked C or lower, i.e, less risky missions. It's still up for debate and there hasn't been any formal voting yet. But Narumi believes that it will get passed because there's no real downside to it other than the risk to the safety of the students." He paused, averted his gaze and continued, tonelessly, "So he told me to start training you in offense and defense to prepare you for that kind of scenario. He's mad at me because I haven't done anything to that end." Mikan just looked at him as she processed what he was saying. Ruka looked angry and upset as he asked, "And there's nothing else we can do? No way to change their minds? I mean, Mikan's not cut out for missions. There's no way-" "Ruka." Natsume cut him off, "There's no need to panic just yet. The proposal hasn't been accepted yet. But yes there seems to be little we can do to stop it from being accepted." "But if that's true, Mr. Narumi is right. Don't you think it's better to start training me now while you still have the time?" Mikan pointed out. Both Natsume and Ruka looked away from her and said nothing. Annoyed, Mikan poked her finger sharply in the area near Natsume's wound. The color in Natsume's face drained rapidly as he swore. "Dammit, Mikan! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Mikan folded her hands and turned her nose up, "That's what you get for ignoring me! I asked you a question and both of you are avoiding it!" Natsume fought for calm as he ground out, "And yet I don't see you hurting Ruka for it." "Hey!" Ruka exclaimed, indignant. "There's no need to throw me under the bus too!" Natsume smirked, despite the pain, "If I'm going down, so are you." "I know what you're trying to do and it won't work. You're not going to distract me from this topic!" Mikan declared, not willing to be diverted. "I don't know what you're hoping for! Do you think ignoring it is going to make the problem disappear?" Natsume and Ruka looked at each other and sighed. Well that was a bust. When did Mikan become so perceptive? "The two of them are neck deep in denial. They won't be of any use to you." All three of them turned around to look at Hotaru opening the door to Ruka's room like it was her own. She walked in and made herself at home on the chair beside Ruka as all three kept staring at her. "What?" She blinked. "Umm, Hotaru... This is Ruka's room. How did you know his password?" Mikan stuttered out. Ruka snapped out of his shock at that and joined in, "That's right! How do you know my password? How do you know what we were talking about and how long have you been listening in?" Only Natsume seemed unaffected as he had already known that Ruka was under Imai's surveillance and was privy to their conversation the whole time. Noticing his lack of reaction, Mikan looked at him suspiciously, "How come you're not surprised?" Natsume glared, "Why do your questions always come back to me? Ask Imai!" Hotaru cleared her throat, "These questions are highly irrelevant at the moment." "Not to me!" Ruka exclaimed. "Are you spying on me? How many times have you come into my room? Is this even legal?" "Yes, I checked." Hotaru stated, answering only the last question. "Lovely. Now how about you answer the other questions?" "Hotaru sighed, "You're under constant surveillance. I have video on you outside your room and audio for the inside of your room for your privacy. Satisfied?" Ruka gaped at her as Natsume drawled, "Gee, thanks for thinking of his privacy!" Oblivious to the sarcasm, Hotaru nodded at Natsume, "You're welcome. Now shall we move on to the previous topic where you were resolutely ignoring the very real possibility that Mikan might have to participate in missions?" Everybody fell silent as Mikan exclaimed, "That's right! Hotaru, I might have to go on missions and they're acting like they don't care!" "That's not true!" Ruka interjected as Natsume huffed, "Stop overreacting!" Mikan scowled at Natsume as Hotaru spoke thoughtfully, "If you want to train that badly, you can always try one of my simulations. It's still a prototype but it hasn't killed anyone yet." Mikan swallowed as she considered, "How many people have tried it?" Natsume's voice was flat when he said, "You are not trying out her simulations." Hotaru ignored him and focused on Mikan, "Only droids have tried it till now. I'm sure Ruka would be willing to try it before you for your safety." Ruka winced but nodded, "I can do that but Mikan, I don't think you should try a simulation so soon. I mean you still need to learn basic self defence and a little hand to hand combat, then weapons training. There are steps that have to be followed." He looked at Natsume for confirmation. Natsume kept glaring at Mikan. "I said you're not trying out simulations. End of discussion." Mikan scowled furiously, "It is not the end of discussion! If you don't promise to help with my training, I'm going with Hotaru right now to try the simulation." Hotaru smirked at Natsume, baiting him. Natsume ran his hands through his hair as he considered his options. Finally he spoke, "I'll train you under one condition. That you train only under me and obey only me." Mikan nodded, but qualified, "Okay. But that's only if it's related to training." Natsume chuckled, "Naturally."
"What's wrong Ruka?" Mikan asked Ruka, whose face was still shining with concern. "I'm just worried how things will turn out. I can't imagine you in the kind of situation I know Natsume's been in." Mikan looked puzzled, "What kind of situation? You mean, like how he got shot at?" Ruka shook his head, "No, I mean -" "Let's not get too imaginative." Natsume cut him off again. "The situations you're thinking of come under high risk missions. Chances are that if you get chosen, it will be for less risky and easier missions that could benefit from your special abilities. You wouldn't actually need to engage in combat. This training is only a precaution." Both Mikan and Ruka looked relieved at that. Hotaru remained outwardly unaffected but Natsume could tell she had been worried. Why else would she have risked letting Ruka know she had him under surveillance just to discuss this in person? But everything he had told them, while it was logical, was in no way true. It was simply a best case scenario. He now had to make it happen the way he outlined it. And that meant bargaining with Persona.

All's Well That Ends Well ; A Natsume Hyuga × Mikan Sakura Gakuen Alice FicWhere stories live. Discover now