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Waking up I felt a strong sense of unease as I looked around my almost pitch black room. I had just awoken from a nightmare. I felt that something wasn't quite right. I try going back to sleep but whenever I close my eyes I feel as though I'm being watched from a dark corner of my room. I face the wall and try shaking off these feelings but they're too strong to allow me to slip into sleep again.

There's a noise. I couldn't determine what it was at first and my mind raced with both the logical and illogical. An intruder? A tree outside? A monster? The wind? I try to avoid thinking about it but it's not long before my brain springs back to possibilities. A breath, a short exasperated breath, that's the only way I can possibly describe it and now that that thought is in my head I begin to feel more terrified. Someone was watching me from the corner of my room, and they just made a noise. The noise was loud enough to be heard anywhere in the room, so the chances are they know I've just heard them. Now I wish I hadn't faced the wall because I'm terrified to turn back and see if they're getting closer. I need to pretend to be asleep but my body is too stiff and my breathing is too restricted. I keep expecting to hear my floorboards creak or the shuffling of feet but I don't. They're being too quiet.

No, I'm being too foolish, I have to be. It doesn't make logical sense for something to be lurking in the corner of my room. My mind must be playing tricks on me. I summon all the courage that I can muster, I close my eyes and then I turn to face away from the wall and towards the empty space in my room. It was just an empty space after all and I should really have no fear of opening my eyes, so I do and there's nothing. My eyes scan the room and I see nothing. Not a single chair out of place.

I breath a sigh of relief and lay on my back, repaying the images I had just seen to calm me down... Stop. My mind stops on the image of my wardrobe and the tall, dark figure who stands behind one of its open doors. How did I not notice this the first time my eyes scanned the room? Unless it's another twisted game by my imagination. Fed up with my paranoia, I sit up in bed and slip out of it's warm covers.  I need a drink of water or something to get me through this night. I look back at my wardrobe and the figure that plagued my mind was standing just as it was in the image within my head. I freeze. 

The longer I look at it the more human the shape becomes, with long spindle fingers and tall legs. Perhaps it's most frightening feature was the thing's eyes. They were the only things I could fully make out in the darkness, all white with the exception of the small black pupils fixed on me. The creature is facing me and I have my head turned to it. My brain screams at me that I'm facing a threat and my fight or flight wants to kick in but I'm too afraid to move. Adrenalin is pumping through my body so fast I feel like I'm about to pass out. My heart skipped a beat when I felt something touch my arm, in that moment all my senses snapped back and I raced out my bedroom door with as much speed as I have ever used and ran to the safety of the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I couldn't stop myself shaking. I look down at the place on my arm where I was touched and saw a bumble bee. Usually one of my biggest fears although just then the bee was no more scarier to me then a teddy bear and I let the insect remain resting on my arm as I began to cry.

It sounded like a shotgun at first, but when I looked up and saw the door still shaking from the impact I knew it was something much worse. Another blast rang out and the small lock keeping me safe seemed even smaller then I remember. The third bang didn't scare me as much but the small metal bolt hitting the hard ground definitely did. I was no longer safe. With my heart leaping out of my chest I flung the bathroom window open and scrambled out, falling onto cold pavement. I didn't fall long but when I hit the ground my body ached. I lifted myself up and began to run but my leg was injured. Up ahead was a small woodland and I hobbled as fast as I could to take cover in the trees. I didn't want to look back but my curiosity got the better of me and I saw the creature sprinting towards me. Even in the woods I couldn't stop moving, the foliage was too spread out for me to duck behind a tree without it noticing. I prayed for the woods to become more dense as the creature was getting closer and closer to me. Time was running out.

As a last resort I dived for a tree and curled up behind it. I try holding still as ever but my racing heart makes that difficult. I hear noises all around me of footsteps and cracking twigs. The sounds eventually fade away but I haven't calmed down. 

With each passing second I become more and more at ease, believing that thing must have passed. I prayed for sunlight. That would be the final reassurance to give me enough courage to go back inside. I waited long but grew impatient. I felt vulnerable out there in the cold. I needed to leave. I ran through the events in my head. One, I would lift my head an look around for danger. Two, making as little noise possible I would stand. Three, I would slowly peer around the tree and make sure the thing wasn't anywhere near me. Four, I would slowly but quickly move away from the tree looking around very carefully. Five, exit the woods and make my way to my house. Six, lock all the doors and windows and finally check the house for any other intruders while calling the police. Part of me dreaded having to do this but I really had no other choice. Step one, I lifted my head and looked around. I saw nothing but trees, one was particularly close to me. That tree wasn't there before. My eyes followed it's trunk and at the top was the head of the dark figure staring at me. This was no tree. The thing's mouth was stretched into an unnatural smile which revealed it's many rows of sharp, long teeth. I didn't move and neither did it. We stared at each other for what seems like an eternity. Then it lifted it's long arm and grabbed the top of my head. It lifted me up by my hair over it's head. The pain was agonizing. It then unhinged it's jaw and stretched it out wide before lowering me into it's mouth and grinding my body to mush. 

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