The Prank

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One Shoyo Hinata could be seen flying above some buildings, wearing a pair of goggles that allowed him to see inside the buildings. He eventually found what he was looking for, and dive bombed straight towards the target. He crashed through a window and got out his knives, slashing at the two other men's necks that were also in the room. He stared at his target, them frozen in shock, before Hinata darted towards him, stabbing him in the neck. Now finished, Hinata shot out of the window and went flying back to his home, while taking in the peaceful night.

At the same time, all of Hinata's simps were coming up with a plan to prank him. The prank was to ignore him for 24 hours. They all agreed to it, and were rather excited for the next day.

As Hinata walked into the gym the next morning, with his signature bright smile, his assassin instincts told him that something was up. He noticed that no one was paying attention to him at all. When he asked Kageyama to set for him, the boy didn't even acknowledge him. This sorta pissed off the tangerine, but he let it slide for now.

During the day, he was still ignored, his friends acting like he wasn't even there. Even his other friends, the ones from different schools, didn't talk to him over text. They were also ignoring him. Hinata just put on a fake smile for the rest of the day, not letting his friends ignoring him push him down. It seemed that only Kiyoko and Yachi were the only ones who acknowledged him. He was happy for at least that.

It was during later that night when Hinata would want to murder all of his 'friends' at once. He went up to his room to grab something, leaving his little sister Natsu by herself for a moment, before a scream could be heard. Not wasting a second, Hinata rushed downstairs, pulling his knife out, before coming face to face with a man holding his sister at gunpoint.

"Shoyo Hinata, the Winged Demon. Top assassin in the world. You've cause many of my boss's clients to perish, and he's not too happy about it. So I'm here, sent by him, to return the favor." The man said, putting his finger on the trigger of the gun. Hinata scowled deeply at the man, wanting to reach for his revolver, but can't since the slightest action could cause the man to kill his sister.

"The hell do you want?" He growled out, his whole body tense.

"Just give me 100,000 dollars and your sister will be let go. Though, you have to get the money in the next hour, or else. And you can't use your own money either." Natsu was really crying now, fearful for her life. Hinata angrily growled at the man before he turned towards the door, going to see if he can get help from his friends.

He made it to his school and saw the lights on in the gym. Opening the door, he saw that all the teams were here and partying. Not wasting anytime, Hinata went to Kenma first to see if he could help, putting up his innocent facade, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"K-Kenma, I n-need help!" He cried to his friend, who just turned away from him. Actually a bit surprised, and angry, he went to Kuroo and asked for his help, who did the same thing as Kenma. He went around asking people for help, but they all turned away from him. Having enough, he shouted to everyone:

"My sister is going to die if I don't get any help! Please! Help me!" They all didn't even acknowledge that he even said anything and just went back to what they were doing. At that moment, he felt his phone ding, and looking at it, he saw he had two messages. One was from his message app and the other was from his banking app. Clicking the message notification, he something the thing he'd tried to prevent: his sister lying in her own blood. Silent tears started falling from his eyes as he left the gym, walking back to his home.

He walked in silence, until his phone started ringing. Looking at it, he saw it was one of his boyfriends, Izumi, calling him. He accepted the call.

"Babe/Honey, are you okay?!" Two voices shouted out, identified as both his boyfriends Izumi and Kouji. He stayed silent for a moment, stopping in his tracks to think.

"Oh fuck no..." Could be heard from Kouji, Izumi starting to cry on the other side. "D-don't tell me we were too late."

"I don't blame you guys. At least you tried to help." Hinata said in a cold voice. Izumi could be heard crying even harder, while Kouji was spitting out a string of curses. This went on for a while before both of the boys calmed down.

"Sho, I'm so sorry we couldn't help you in time." Izumi said tearfully, Hinata silently nodding.

"It's okay. Like I said, at least you guys tried to help."

"What about your other friends? Why didn't they do anything?"

"Those bastards were completely ignoring me, even taking my plea for help as some joke."

"Well fuck them! How fucking dare they not help you out!"

Hinata was crying, though it couldn't be heard.

"Again, I'm so sorry that we were too late Sho." Kouji sorrowfully told him.

"And again, at least you guys tried to help me, unlike my so called 'friends'."

He then hung up, still feeling like shit. Opening up his wings, he flew with great speed back to his home. While doing so, he checked his banking app and saw that, true to their word, he had 100,000 dollars added to his account. Unfortunately, none of that mattered anymore, since his sister was still dead. He got home, opened the door, and immediately caught the scent of blood. He looked and saw his sister, lying there on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

Wordlessly, he picked up her body, got a shovel, took her to the backyard, and buried her. He stood there for a long time, silently crying. He had lost the last member of his family, and he was beyond angry. He blames not only his so called 'friends', but also himself. He felt as if could've done something else to prevent her death, but didn't. He called his boyfriends again, and they were on the phone for a long time, trying to comfort him.

"Why don't you come to live with us in America?" Izumi suggested. Hinata took a few seconds to think about it, before he remembered a conversation he overheard when he was about to open the door to the gym.


As Hinata was about to enter the gym, he heard his name come up from his best friend, Kenma.

"Why exactly are we doing this to Hinata?"

"Because we want him to suffer a bit. Feel like he did something bad. After all, who actually likes him anyway?" Came the voice of Suga.

"Well, the only reason anyone likes him is because of his body. No other reason." Daichi said.

"That's true. He's just an annoying little shit." Kuroo said, Kenma nodding his head.

"Not to mention, he's terrible at volleyball. I don't even know why he's still on the team!" Noya said.

"After all of us get a chance to screw him, we can kick him off." Suga told Noya. "Now, let's party!" A round of cheers came from everyone, and Hinata's blood boiled at his fake friends. He pressed the stop button on the tape recorder he had in his hand and went into the gym.

End of Flashback

Hinata held the tape recorder in his hand and pressed the play button, listening to the conversation between his 'friends'. He texted his boyfriends to tell them to send a ride to America for tomorrow. Once that was done, he went to his room and fell asleep.

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