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It was night time in the Big Apple. Lights lit up the streets, people and cars going on their merry way to who knows where, parties in large buildings with many colorful lights lit up the skies. On one of the buildings stood three small figures, each having what looked to be two large wings on their backs with two smaller ones below them. These were the assassins known as the Death Hawks, made up of Shoyo Hinata, Yukitaka Izumi, and Sekimukai Kouji. They are the top assassins in the world, Hinata being number one, Izumi being number two, and Kouji being number three.

"So what's the plan?" Kouji asked.

"First, Izzy will take control of the security system, making sure that no one knows we were here. Once he's done that, you and me will fly towards the vent system and go into the building that way. Next we take down anyone in our way and get to the target. Then we get info out of the target since said target has info that both the client and us will find useful. Finally, we off the target, fly out, and Izzy will make it look like we weren't even here. Understood?" Hinata asked as he finished laying out the plan, receiving two nods.

Izumi spread his wings out and flew at an incredible speed towards the party. Landing on the roof, he used the door that led down into the building to get inside. Once in and down the stairs, he peered into a hallway and saw multiple cameras lining the walls. Expertly avoiding them, he silently went down the hallways till he got to a room where a device in his hand started blinking, signifying that he was at the control room. Opening the door ever so quietly, he looked inside and saw about five people. Getting out a knife, he snuck up on one of them and, with a quick jab, got one of them in the neck. Because he's so good at his job, none of the others noticed it. He did the same to the other four before using his technology skills to get into the system and took control of it.

"I'm in." Was all he had to say into his ear piece that each of them had to communicate. The other two got the message and went to do their part.

Spreading their wings out, the two flew to the party and went to the nearest vent system. Going in, the two crawled into the vents and followed the map that showed the entire system since they'd made one to help. After a bit, they found where the exit they were looking for and dropped inside.

For some reason, the vent systems all led into the main area of the party, where many people, mostly teenagers and young adults, were partying. The smell of alcohol, sweat, and a lot of heat could be felt throughout the room.

"Goddamnit. Why the fuck do we have to go through this way?" Hinata groaned out, earning a small chuckle from Kouji. He knew the other wouldn't like going through the party one bit.

The two pushed their way through the large crowd, getting several complaints about pushing, before they got to a door that was being guarded. Though, one second they were standing at guard, and only a second later were they now on the ground passed out.

"Damn. I'll never get tired of seeing you do that." Kouji said to Hinata, the boy smiling at him. They shared a quick kiss before heading into a rather long hallway. Well, more like multiple long hallways. The pair made it to a set of stairs and went up. They were also very long for some reason.

"Okay, seriously, who the fuck needs THIS MANY DAMN STAIRS?!" Hinata shouted frustrated. This got him a laugh out of Kouji who was desperately trying to hold it in. Not having any of that, Hinata grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him against a wall and started tracing his hand all over his body, also putting his knee right where his dick was and started to grind against it.

"Oi. Don't you start laughing now. You know what happens when I get mad, right~" Hinata said in a very seductive voice. That made Kouji stop laughing immediately and blush really red.

"Y-yeah. I know..." he said quietly, face still very red. Hinata let go of him before spreading his wings out and flying to the top, Kouji trailing behind him. Eventually, they made it to another door at the very top. They opened it and went through, went down more hallways, and made it to a different looking door, one that looked to be the boss's office. They opened it slightly and saw a man on the phone. It seemed like he was the only one there, but to make sure, they used the earpiece they had to contact Izumi.

"Yo Izu. He's the only one in the office, right?" Hinata said into his earpiece. A few seconds later, Izumi had told them that the man was indeed the only one in the office. Going in quietly, they made their way to the man before. Kouji kicked his chair and made him fall over. Hinata then put him into a headlock, putting a knife to his throat too.

"W-what the hell?! Let go of me at one you bastards!" He yelled out, a deadpan look on both the kids' faces.

"And you think we'll let you go why? Don't even answer that. I know it'll be some stupid reason. Anyway, we have some questions that need to be answered." The man looked at Hinata before scoffing. "We have your family at gunpoint. So I suggest you answer." His face turned into one of horror as he pleaded for his family to be spared.

"Answer our questions. First, we heard you're one of the backers to some new weapon. Mind telling us if that's true?" He nodded his head almost instantly. "Good. Second question. Why throw a party at a place like this? That seems very out of character for a power company." The man looked at Kouji who was in front of him with a gun pointed at him before looking up.

"I was told to throw it by the people I was supporting. I don't know why they wanted me to though. I just did what I was told to do." Satisfied with the answer, Hinata asked the final question.

"Final question. What the hell are they building?" The man looked at him before shaking his head.

"I have no idea." Was all he said.

"So you don't even know what your supporting." Hinata deadpanned. The man nodded. The two assassins looked at each other before Kouji shot the guy in the head. He instantly died, and the two left his body there, not wanting anything to do with it. Going back to the main area, they went through the vents again and went back outside. Soon, Izumi came back as well, and the trio flew off into the night.

"That was rather easy." Izumi commented, Kouji nodding. They looked to Hinata who seemed to be deep in thought. "You okay Sho?" The boy looked at the two before nodding.

"I'm just a bit tired is all. I've been thinking about how the others are doing back in Japan as well."

"Don't think about them right now! You have us, and that's all you'll really need." Izumi smiled at Hinata who smiled back.

"Yeah! You don't need them! They're some fake ass friends if you ask me!" Kouji laughed. The other two laughed happily as well as they flew off into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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