Prologue: Part One

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July Twenty-First 1976

It was a beautiful, quiet morning today. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, even the birds went making that annoying chirping sound they do most morning's.

Inside a moderate house on the second floor we see a young boy about ten or eleven years old, he was cute, with his ginger hair. His name was Shoyo Hinata, and today was his eleventh birthday.

Shoyo thinks days like this, peaceful and beautiful, people should be able to sleep in.

Suddenly, the door slammed open creating a loud sound. As an older woman about twenty-eight years old stood there she was beautiful and only looked about twenty, she had ginger hair and green eyes, that woman was Rosaline Hinata nee Evans his mother, she didn't even look like she had a child his age.

"Wake Up!" She yelled in English, with her British accent, excited for some reason.

Shoyo may think that day's like this people should sleep in but his mother surely didn't. He sighed and opened his honey brown eyes as he sat up waiting for her to tell him what she was so happy about at five o'clock in the morning.

"Mother. What has made you so excited?" he asked with his slightly deep voice form just now waking up. He also spoke in English, and a very British accent

"It came!" She squealed, before running away.

It only took him a few seconds for his groggy mind to catch up to what his mother said before he sprung out of his bed, showing of his tall and slightly muscled body as he liked to sleep with only boxers he ran past a chair grabbing his black sleep robe and shrugged it on lazily not even bothering to tie it, before half-stumbling-half-sprinting to the kitchen.

His mother was waiting for him, with his father, Hijiri Hinata, a thirty-one year old who had black hair and brown eyes, he was tall and muscular, and looked to have Asian heritage, and his half asleep younger sister, Natsu Hinata ,who was around four years old, she had the same ginger hair that she shares her older brother and mother, as well as her brown eyes that she shares with her father and older brother.

There was an American Breakfast on the table as well as one letter. Not just any old letter. It was a unique one. Shoyo was instantly drawn to the letter, he couldn't take his eyes off of it, it had beautiful spidery letters drawn on it with green ink making the words pop out against the yellow-ish aged paper. He knew what was inside, his whole family did in fact, it was actually a tradition in his fathers family to get one of these on their eleventh or tenth birthday. His mother along with her twin sister also got one. He had always known that he was going to be getting one.

So, why was he shaking?

Shoyo looked at his hands and saw them shaking like a leaf during a storm, he clenched them to make them stop. Shoyo was a smart kid, handsome, and loyal too, but emotion sometimes confuses him. He's excited but he's shaking like he's a bag of nerves, or maybe he is nervous but thinks he's excited, or perhaps when people get excited they also shake? He really doesn't know at this point of time, but he will eventually figure it out, hopefully.

Shoyo walked up to the table and sat down to eat with his family and take his mind off the letter that was sitting there not only eight inches away from him.

"So Shoyo, what are your plans for today?" he heard his mother ask, and he was thankful for the distraction.

"I was hoping to go to Diagon Alley to get some new book's and a Honeydukes subscription sheet, but I might need to change that." he said as he glanced at the letter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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