Chapter 3:

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The fangs are getting closer and closer and closer...

"HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!" I don't think that I had ever been that happy in my life to see Derek "DEREK!" Is all I could manage get out then Derek morphed into this thing it was a werewolf... and in a blink of an eye Deucalion was underneath Derek and all of the other werewolves were helping Deucalion while I struggled to get out and while they were fighting I managed to get out with the sharp wood from the broken chair, the next thing I knew was that I was on Derek's shoulder we and he was run back to the house, what just happened? How am I still alive? What if this is all a really messed up dream? What if I'm dead? All of this kept going through my mind "hey summer were home" Derek said I was so tired I didn't even try to get out plus from Kali almost beating me to death I have bruises and cuts every where I have a fat lip a scratch on my cheek bone a cut on my eye brow and bruises all up and down my torso some on my ribs and some on my stomach I feel like absolute shit "come on summer" Derek says as he picks me up to bring me into the house "Derek" "yes" "my body hurts" "it probably will for a while you got a little beaten up" "WHY WHY THE HELL DID I GET BEATEN UP DEREK I REALLY NEED AN EXPLANATION!" "I will explain it to you tomorrow ok" "No I want answers NOW!" "Wow ok well I am a werewolves and Deucalion and all of them are to there is this thing where they are alphas I'm a beta and a lone wolf is called omega and they thought you were a werewolf because our whole family is werewolf's and you are the only one in our whole family that isn't a werewolf and they didn't know that I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I'm sorry love you good night" "hold on Derek" "what?" "Come look at these bruises are they going to be really really bad?"" I r said lifting up my shirt so he could only see my stomach "Ya I guess I'm going to get you some ice for your bruises and the fat lip of yours" "shut up" "make me" "i will" "I'm a werewolf" "and I'm a woman what's the difference?" "Men are stronger" "WOW! my brother is sexist" I say to myself "no I'm not" "think about what you just said" I yelled out into the kitchen for him to hear "ok so it did sound that way but it wasn't suppose to" "Ya Ya just hurry up with that freaking ice you are like gramma doing ti chi (I know I probably didn't spell that right)" "oh shut up I'm going as fast as I can" "then go faster" "done" he said running to the room, I rip the ice bags from his hands and put them on the bruises and one for my fat lip "ahhh" that hurt just a tiny bit "you okay?" "Ya" it's funny to see Derek get so protective all of the sudden

"Wake up I don't know how to turn off your freaking alarm clock" Derek yelled in my ear "ahh go away" I said as I pushed him away and shut off the alarm clock "get your lazy ass up and get ready for school" "fine get out" "bye" Derek said in a girl voice I started laughing so hard I fell off the bed "ahh" I screamed as my bruises hit my bed side "what what's the matter?!" Derek came rushing in "I can't get up" "why" "because of my bruises duuuhh" "oh ok" Derek said as he picked me up and now that I'm up I'm ok "I'm
Ok I'm ok" "ok" Derek left my room and I got ready but I put on a baggy sweat shirt with a tank underneath and baggy sweat pants, I got into the kitchen grab food and leave I hop in the car and Derek drives me "do I look like shit?" "Yes" "wow Derek thanks for the confidence" I said as I slap the back of his head "hey I thought you would want the truth" "NO DEREK NO ONE WANTS THE ACTUAL TRUTH ALL THE FREAKING TIME!" "Haha" "hey shut up you ass" "hey I'm not a donkey I'm a werewolf and I can rip you to shreds so shush" "what ever" and like that I was at school I really do not want to go to school I have two scratches, a fat lip, and bruises all over my body I feel like putty, I get out of the car and I'm greeted by the warm embrace of sun and fresh air and I just need a new start A new day, I go into the school and then it immediately greeted by Scott his smile goes from a smile to a frown "what happened to you where you hit by a bus?" "Nothing I just I don't know I just want to go to my locker and put my stuff away" I walk away and Scott follows me to my locker "can you just go away please I really just want to be alone" "Okay see you later in math bye" "wait" "what?" "Come back here please" "why what's the matter" "Scott I know I've only been here for a month now but I really like you a lot" "oh" "oh my god you don't feel the same shit I totally messed up in sorry it was a mistake" I said as I walked away, Scott grabbed my arm and I squealed In pain and fell on the ground Scott immediately picked me up "hey if your still listening I do feel the same and I won't let anyone do this to you ever again and I'm going to bring you home now" he said as I was curled up in his arms, Scott had taken stiles car and gave him the keys to his dirt bike as if he is actually going to be able to drive it "Scott what happened to my sister" "she said she liked me I didn't answer her and she walked away I went to grab her hand and pull her back and she fell to ground in pain I was going to tell her I felt the same and then I picked her up right when she fell and brought her here" "you like my sister?! and she likes you?!" Oh god Derek is going to kill Scott so I woke up and heard no one getting killed "Scott" "Ya?" He said running over to me "how are you feeling?" "Good" "do you want to get up" "Ya can you help me though?" "Yeah" "come on" he said as he tried to pick me up "ahh" "you ok" "ya" "okay I'm up" "now I'm hungry so I'm gunna go get some food" "okay" I went to go get food and I looked out the window and saw those same dead cold red eyes I jumped and fell to the ground and scotched back to the wall and hugged my knees, Scott ran over and picked me and put me in my bed "summer" summer come on what happened" "those eyes" was all I could say then Scott went to leave I grabbed his hand and made him lay down with me I feel asleep and so did he.

"SCOTT WHAT THE HELL I THOUGHT YOU LEFT LAST NIGHT?!" "ahh" Scott yelled as he fell of the bed " Derek don't yell at Scott I asked him too I didn't want to be alone last night I'm sorry" "no it's fine but you have to go to school today so get ready, Scott I think you should go home" "yaaaa" Scott said awkwardly, I got ready and got to the car "Derek hurry up" "I know I know God" driving to school I pass by so many other cars and in every one the people have those dead cold red eyes and I just want them to go away so bad but they are stuck in my mind, we reach the school and I am dreading it already I just want to go home I hate it here, I walk in and I see Ethan and Aiden and they see me, I start walk in the opposite direction I stop when I hit a corner, I turn around and they are right behind me "why why do you want me what did I do to you?" I ask as I start to cry and stink down till I'm fully on the floor holding my knees to my chest, they both bend down to pick me up when...

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