˜Chapter 1- The plan ˜

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 real quick note, for this chapter, I had a little of inspiration from the story "Subject #259" from Blue_Bird6 but I promise that my chapters wont be the same, so please give a check on her amazing story

"Good morning! did you all sleep well?" The white haired boy said while waking up his siblings.

"Good morning Atsushi! I slept well!" Izuku said while he was changed into his uniform

"Haha, you are already energetic, I wonder how you do it Zuzu. Honestly I only wake up after our morning tests" Riki said still half asleep

Slowly, the group woke up, the girls went to a separate room to change while the boys fixed the beds


The group walked through the white hallways, one guard was in front of them, guiding them to the next location, while the other was behind the group, making sure no one would run away. It was like this every morning, the only rules in this place were to listen and behave, this including never talking to a superior if you weren't asked too, no yelling, running or talking...

People stuck here knew about almost everything happening, the guards always made sure to make everyone aware that someone was being punished. Of course, kids in the smart group, the ones that stay with Izuku, are treated slightly better, they aren't punished as often as the animals or the adults were before they escaped the place and the security got stronger... Or well, that's what the other kids told him...

The kids with lower grades were the ones that got the worst treatment, once you reached that place it was clear that there was no coming back. They are tortured for fun, having to endure all the sick experiments the doctors want to do, those who are stronger are usually turned into brainless Nomus, a monster with more than one quirk...

Atsushi had a sister in the past, his twin who was also abandoned in this facility, she unfortunately couldn't keep up with her brother and ended up being killed with the lower class. The poor boys still can't forgive himself for not trying to help his sister...

But the first thing that you are made aware when you join this facility is that a doctor injected a drug in their bodies that make it impossible for them to escape, the idea of having their cells destroyed by a virus on their system was almost enough to scare them... Almost

The guard stop right in front of the white door, inside they all knew they would find the test that would define if they lived another day. Yeah no pressure!

"Good luck guys, pay attention and you'll do well" said Riki from the room

"Thank you, good luck for you too" said Tomoko, the last one to enter the room.

And once again they entered the dark room like every single day... Little did the guards know what the kids have been planning...


"Okay, now that everyone is listening I'm going to say it once and only once" Kanna said quietly to make sure no one would hear her

"We all want to escape, this is clear, we need to ask for help to do so, and to ask for help we need to get someone out of here first, because of that we need to have pills for said person since he would probably die outside without them. We all tested this once so we know that it is possible, I we take only one pill everyday, one will last, we can hide said pills from the guards and we have to take care of the person that only took one, we already know how hard the aftermath hits"

"We have to hide food here, water is also necessary, for this we have to hide a part of our meals everyday"

 "When we finally have everything prepared, at night, Izu will escape through the space in the tall bars, since he is the only one thin enough to pass, he runs as fast as he can using the map that we created to guide himself and  reach the gate to the exit." she continued 

 "We will need to create a distraction, scream, cry, fight, whatever is needed for the guards to get distracted." Said Atsushi

Izuku will go outside and hide until the morning. When the sun is up, he finds a way he discover the place were UA is, makes friends and discover who he can trust,  when he finally believe that he found people that could help us, you bring them to this facility ok? Kanna finalized 

"Sir! yes sir!" everyone said

"Just one thing, how will I discover where is UA?" Izuku asks

"That is easy, the school is famous for their uniforms, they are pretty recognized and I think you remember them right"


"Great! Now lest start the preparation, from now on we will work for or future" said the three

End of Flashback---------------------------

It was the middle of the night when Izuku grabbed his backpack and gave his siblings one last hug, quiet tears slipped on his face as the others gently lifted him enough to reach the bars

He slowly passed through the bars and unfortunate the floor was taller than he planned, he ended up falling on his legs making some scrapes and bruises appear

He ran towards the gate and hid behind the trash, waiting for the distraction.

The yelling and screams started, he knew this was his signal to leave, he took a deep breath and slowly went through the dark path and smirked, the guard didn't realize he was near until it was too late, the man was pinned down with Izuku's quirk, He tied a piece of cloth his family put in his backpack and covered the man's mouth...

He heard some guards following him outside but they were too late, he had already hid himself in an alley where he could finally rest

The pain from his bruises were finally showing up as his adrenaline rush was over, he knew he was too tired to do anything about it and that soon enough they would report him as missing, but he couldn't care less at the moment, he only wanted to rest while he could.

Closing his eyes, he prepared himself for the next day...


Hope you liked this chapter and thank you for reading till the end!😊

REWRITE: 12/21/2021

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