Rise Of The Mercenare King!

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Crystal was on the balcony by her room waiting and looking out for Lelouch to come back after his long journey across the sea.Its been one year since Crystal saw her love,she missed him so much.Crystal's Pixie Balance,then came out of her small bed and flew up to Crystal.

Balance: Hey Crystal! What are waiting for here?

Crystal: You mean who am I waiting for! My husband Lelouch! Its been one year since I saw him!

Balance: Oh he went on that journey across the sea! Didn't he?!

Crystal: He's coming back today! So I'm waiting for him!

Balance: You missed him a lot don't you! I can tell!

Crystal: (sighs) Yes I do! Its been one year!

(When Suddenly a mysterious person came and captured Crystal)

Balance: Crystal! Oh no this is bad!

(Balance flew down to the ballroom of the palace)

Balance: Suzaku! Suzaku! Crystal was just captured by some mysterious looking villain!

Suzaku: Wait she was!

Balance: Yes!

(Lelouch then came in)

Suzaku: Lelouch! I'm sorry you had to come in at a time like this,but Crystal's been captured!

Lelouch: What?! By who?!

Skylar: We don't know! But we'll have to figure that out!

Lelouch: Well...What are waiting for to the Black Knights Cave! Come on lets go!

(Down at Black Knights Cave)

Kallen: Good to see you again Lelouch!

Lelouch: You too Kallen,Crystal has been captured can any of you find where she was taken?!

C2: She was taken to the Mercenare Kingdom!

Lelouch: Wait that's Crystal's home!

C2: The Mercenare Kingdom! Belongs to the Mercenare Trio who Desired by an ancient darkness possessing the King of Splendorous, their goal is to turn all feelings into hatred and selfish desires into "Janergy" to revive their leader, King Mercenare, and create more of their kind. Each of the Leaders and Generals represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Balance: Their plenty powerful though! And they cannot die!

C2: Are they witches?

Balance: No They're demons!

Lelouch: Like Crystal! I wonder if they want her power to revive their leader King Mercenare! So King Mercenare is Crystal's father that she never wanted to talk about!

Balance: That could be true!

(Lelouch puts on his zero outfit)

Lelouch: Its time to go and rescue her! Black Knights lets go!

(They all go in their knightmares and head to The Mercenare Kingdom and they reached there they were too late,King Mercenare was revived) 

(They all go in their knightmares and head to The Mercenare Kingdom and they reached there they were too late,King Mercenare was revived) 

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Suzaku: We're too late!

(Crystal,Delta and Regina were evil! Crystal eyes were now red,her rosy pink hair was now blue and black,also her outfit was changed to a darker colour,Regina's hair was a gray blonde, her skin is paler, her eyes turn red, and all the red accents on her outfit become violet.Delta had red streaks at the edge of his bangs,his eyes were glowing red and his outfit was now all black) 

Lelouch: Crystal! Delta! Regina! Their all brainwashed into being evil! That's all King Mercenare wanted! An evil family! Regina is the dark half but she changed after convinced her to join our side! Now their all corrupted!

Lelouch: Crystal! Delta! Regina! Their all brainwashed into being evil! That's all King Mercenare wanted! An evil family! Regina is the dark half but she changed after convinced her to join our side! Now their all corrupted!

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Suzaku: We have to save them!

King Mercenare: Ah! Look who came! The Black Knights!

(The Black Knights got out their knightmares and fought)

Lelouch: Crystal,Love! This isn't you! You have to fight it please! You don't have to do this! (he then grabbed Crystal)

Evil Crystal: Lelouch! Lelouch! You think a little sweet convincing will bring me back! (she the pushes Lelouch)

Lelouch: (On his mind) King Mercenare is controlling her! The only way to save her,Delta and Regina is to defeat the King! But how do we do that! Damn it! Its going to be hard to get pass them! I-I can't fight my love,I'm hesitating!

Evil Crystal: Are you hesitating to fight me? Aww isn't that cute! But beat it you'll never defeat us! hahaha!

King Mercenare: We'll come back tomorrow when you have a plan to defeat us! You all look like you don't have a plan right now!

(They all disappeared)

Suzaku: Your majesty Lelouch,are you alright? Its Crystal isn't it? You're worried that she's evil and you hesitated to fight her!

Lelouch: (he didn't speak for a moment still looking worried) Y-yes! I hesitated I can't fight my love! Why did all had to happened when I come back!

Kallen: Its not our fault! Its King Mercenare's fault for doing all this!

Lelouch: Tomorrow we go to Mercenare Palace and stop the king and save My love,Delta and Regina!

Skylar: Okay!

Magnus: Alright we have to save them!

(Lelouch still looked hesitant,he couldn't believe Crystal got corrupted.He started to worry and felt different without Crystal by his side,after all he was without Crystal for one year) 

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