Wedding Vows (Iwaizumi's Vow)

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Day 4 of IwaOi Week 2020

Prompt: Royalty and Weddings


After Oikawa said those words, they were both crying. Their eyes red, and their tears flowing freely as they stare at each other hand in hand. Iwaizumi couldn't help but chuckle as he wipes his snot on his sleeve.

"That's disgusting, Iwa-chan," Oikawa teased as he laughs, eyes still locked on Iwaizumi.

"Shut up, I don't want to have snot freely falling from my nose like yours," Iwaizumi retorted, making Oikawa release an exaggerated gasp.

"Iwaizumi, it's your turn to say your vows," The priest reminded, making Iwaizumi's eyes grow wide, "oh, right, yeah, it's my turn,"

Imaizumi licked his lips and wiped his hands on his slacks before taking Oikawa's hands in his once again and looking up to meet the familiar chocolate- brown irises that he loved.

"Oikawa Tooru," He started and gulped before taking a deep breath. "I never asked for you, and yet the universe had given you to me. I was born in this world alone in July, but the universe must've thought that I needed someone to bring me joy, someone who would annoy the shit out of me but would still be able to make me laugh. Someone who would enjoy bantering with me and loving me at the same time. Truth be told, I don't think I'd ever know what happiness is without you. I'll probably roam the world with permanently furrowed."

They both chuckled at that before Iwaizumi continued, "you're my serendipity, Tooru, you're an occurrence I never expected to happen and bring me joy. You've always said that you couldn't imagine life without me, and I feel the same way. Life is dull and meaningless without you bringing a smile to face. You probably never noticed, but you're the only person who can make me smile and laugh even if you don't intend to. You're my joy, the color of my life, the sun that brightens up the dark. You've always told me that I always save you from everything, but you also save me."

"You saved me from living a life without knowing what happiness is. You're the saving grace that taught me how to see life with all its bright colors. You're the one who taught me how to love life outside a battlefield that's filled with nothing but violence and bloodshed. You said I was the one who reached out to save you from those cayotes, but you were the one who saved me from the cage I was living in where I saw life as nothing but fighting. My hands may have been the ones who guided you to be the finest swordsman in our kingdom, but your hands were the ones that guided me and opened my eyes to the world. That there's more to life than winning battles."

"You taught me that the flowers were nice, that the stars were beautiful, that seeing Matsukawa roll down a hill and land into horse shit is funny, and Hanamaki's cooking is worse than death itself. So, thank you for being born in July. Thank you for being my serendipity," Iwaizumi said and smiled at Oikawa, "I love you, Oikawa Tooru, and I can't wait to wake up and sleep beside you every single day for the rest of my life."

A mixture of tears and laughter (with a few boo's and complaints from Matsukawa and Hanamakki) filled the entire garden. The priest wiped a tear that escaped his eyes before clearing his throat and continuing with the ceremony.

"You may now kiss your groom," The priest announced. Iwaizumi took a step forward and pulled Oikawa by the waist before capturing his rosy lips in his, sealing their promise of forever with a kiss under the moonlight and rings that physically reminded them of their promise of being bound to each other for the rest of their life.

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