Chapter 2: A Dark Meeting

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After the Arata Grimware's disappearance they were transported to a grime homebase in the cold caverns of Web Valley. At the moment the five mysterious members sat and waited for their leader to disclose their next move. However the female twin of Kōri, Ameonna, was not happy for she had an insatiable bloodlust and hated all the pomp and circumstance of their plan.

"Ugh I hate all this waiting! I still say we should have just killed them right then and there!" Ameonna grumbled annoyed at their slow paced plan.

"Now, now, Ameonna we can't simply kill them. We need to crush their spirits and make them beg for death. Otherwise it's no fun at all." said Kōri, with a small smirk.

For despite his collected appearance he had just as much of a bloodlust as his rather unstable sister.

"Will you two shut it! We have a plan and we are not to derail it as Master Rose requested!" Hitodama demanded from the corner of the room.

"Well, well! Look what demon decided to grace us with her voice. And here I began to think you gave fully unto your demonic instincts and became no more than a dumb animal!" Kōri jeered arrogantly at the demoness standing behind him.

"Oh shut up you striping perv! If any one of us is the dumb animal it's those of us that don't even have the decency to wear clothes for more than a few minutes, shirtless ice freak!" Hitodama snapped, her demonic distorted voice echoing throughout the cavern .

"You want to go Demon girl!? Cause I'll show you what an animal really looks like then, you pink haired monster!" Kōri said egging her on even more, his hands misting with magic energy.

"Let's go then! And don't think your demon slaying magic is going to help you frozen stripper! I'll melt your ice into steam before you can even cast your first spell!" Hitodama growled as she summoned fire from her claws.

But before she could release a great blast of fire like she intended to, Hitodama felt a splash of water. As the water soaker her Hitodama screamed bloody murder, her scales burning and bleeding in excruciating pain.

"How dare you!" Hitodama roared as her eyes glowed blood red.

"Oh I'm sorry! Did that hurt? I figure I would try and purify you with some holy water, ugly demon girl!" Ameonna laughed unsympathetically and uncontrollably.

"Why you psychotic little....." Hitodama screamed angrily as she lit her fist on fire again and swung for the crazy water Mage, only to be drenched in holy water once again.

"Aughhhh-!" She growled, forced to fall back in blazing pain from the burning of her whole body.

"Oops, I thought you were going to hurt my sister there not just wither in pain!" Kōri bellowed obnoxiously with his sister.

For a good minute this continued till Tetsu Shadō, who was just standing in the corner, had enough of the twins annoying antics.

"Knock it off you two! We have more important things to plan such as how to defeat our opponents, and your childish antics are not helping us!" Tetsu Shadō yelled, causing the twins to freeze in place.

Both twins finally shut up, for while Tetsu Shadō was their shortest and youngest member, she was very intimidating and scary. But thanks to these qualities she helped Hitodama out in her time of need. A gesture which the demon silently thanked Shadō for as her body regenerated from the burns.

"Alright if this plan is so important, then what do you propose we do to end those pesky Fairy Tail scum?" Kōri asked bodly, managing to gather his courage and faculties again.

"I say we surround and ambush the fairies, then when they arrive they won't know what hit them!" Tetsu Shadō said with great intensity.

"They will be expecting that Shadō, we need to simply face them head on! Then they will be devoid of all expectations and we can take them by true surprise." Zeken suggested forcefully.

For several minutes the team argued about what means to destroy Fairy Tail with, each having a drastically different idea. However that was when Rusty Rose entered the room.

"We will not be going through with any of those plans." Rusty spoke as he entered the dark room.

Everyone in the room went silent as their leader walked in and gave a simple bow.

"Master Rose!" They all greeted in unison.

"Greetings my fellow Devils. Now as for our plans for those pesky fairies we must divide and conquer. For while they are but simple fairies we can't underestimate them. They are very powerful together almost unstoppable per say, but they are less of a threat when divided. So we must abuse that weakness if we are to crush them as we wish to."

"In that case I wish to take Scarlet and Jellal, Master Rose! I will show them meaning of true power with my sword!" Zeken boomed feeling a great animosity for the two wizards for some odd reason, despite not really knowing them.

"If we're getting to pick our opponents then I want the pink haired freak and blondie!" Hitodama grumbled.

"No! I will be facing Natsu Dragneel! He is mine to dispose of!" Rusty growled in response, making it clear he was the one to decide who would fight who.

"Fine but I still want blondie, she better put up a fight though!" Hitodama complained wanting to take on both wizards for some unknown reason much like Zeken.

"Very well, what about you Kōri, Ameonna, who would you like to battle?" Rusty asked, though knowing exactly who the two would want.

"I'll take the ice make Mage Master Rose! But you sister can take the water Mage, I know you want to." Kōri said with dark intention.

"Oh I can't wait to sink my teeth into that rain woman! OOOHHHH I can see all the pain and suffering already!" Ameonna said with a sick and wicked joy, yet felt a twinge of guilt for such feelings.

Yet she couldn't quite trace her source of this feeling, it was as if it was coming from the core of her heart. But she simply ignored it, deciding it wasn't very important.

"Then that means I get the metal head and bookworm, how exciting!" Tetsu Shadō said annoyed and sarcastically.

"Well then now that that has been decided, let us move out then." Rusty said as he mentally set up a stage of pain and agony for the fairies.
However as most of the team followed Zeken pulled Hitodama behind wanting to speak with her.

"Hitodama, while I don't wish to question the master. I am curious, do you not think it's rather odd we already knew who we wanted to battle, even though we don't really know our enemy?" Zeken asked her soul having the slightest feeling this was all wrong.

"Now that you speak of it yes, it all seems rather odd to me. But I figure the master knows what he is doing, and perhaps it's just instinctual. I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned over." Hitodama tried to reason as she ignored the small similar feeling telling her this was all wrong to.

"I'm sure you are right, probably just me overthinking this all. Now come, we must catch up with everyone else!" Zeken said as she walked off burying the feelings she had deep inside.

Hitodama followed, unaware that the journey she and her teammates were about to take was going to be more revealing than anyone could imagine.

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