Chapter 6: Terror

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"The path's changed, I see," Philza mentioned.

"Yeah, Tommy put a lot of work into it so visitors had an easier time navigating the Nether. His portal is pretty out there," Ranboo added. "Especially if you don't know the route."

"So what was the path like originally?" Tubbo asked.

"I don't think there was a path," Fundy chimed in.

"Yep, when Tommy and I went on tour Dream said we had to go through the Overworld," Ghostbur hummed. "We didn't have a portal for a long time. But then Dream came and he decided to make a portal so he could travel quicker. That's why he always comes by so often."

"How often would that be?" Philza asked.

"Hmm, almost everyday if I remember correctly," Ghostbur sighed, his brows furrowed in thought. "I don't really know. I can't remember a lot of the time he was there. But Tommy says he was there a lot so I thought I'd pass out all the invites."

"Invites?" Tubbo questioned.

"Yeah! Tommy was throwing a beach party," Ghostbur excited glowed. "We planned it for a long time. And Tommy cleared the shore and decorated. We had lots of fun decorating. But no one came. I think, I, Tommy wasn't happy...Dre-Dream. I-I can't remember."

"Hey, mate, that's alright," Philza patted the ghost's back. "I'm sure Tommy can tell us all about it. I don't know, I don't recall getting an invite. Maybe they got lost along the way or something."

"No. I got them wrong. So Dream, he said he'd take care of it and told me to go on a walk. I think I got lost for a bit. Oh, and I found some blue flowers. They were so pretty. You remember, Phil. I brought some flowers when I came back. Weren't they pretty?"

"Yeah, bud, they were great."

"Do you think Tommy wants a flower? Maybe I can get some more and bring them back so when I get lost he still has them to remember me," Ghostbur spun into the air. "Wouldn't that be lovely? I don't remember, but I think Tommy likes flowers. We could all get a bunch and plant a beautiful flower garden in the field. Then Tommy would see them every morning when he wakes up!"

"I don't think Tommy likes flowers," Fundy murmured under his breath.

"What, but he likes the Allium I gave him," Ranboo pouted. "I didn't get the impression he takes gifts he doesn't like."

"Tommy loves saying mean things about the stuff he loves," Ghostbur commented. "He used to scream all the time. That's how I knew he was having fun. I think he really must like Dream. He says lots of mean things about him. Maybe... his eyes don't look the same though."

"Ghostbur," Philza easily distracted the specter. "Can you tell me about who else has visited Tommy? He can't have been alone with Dream the whole time."

"Course not, he had me! Oh and Ranboo came to visit. And Drista came that one time. Oh and Mexican Dream, Tommy doesn't like talking about that day. I wasn't there you know? But afterwards Tommy was really excited. He started yelling at Dream again, just like old times... I mean, I think so. And Jack came too. But that was a long time ago. Lots of people came, but Tommy didn't want to see them yet. We weren't settled in for our vacation. It was kinda distracting."

"Ghostbur," Fundy called. "When's the last time you were with Tommy?"

"Hmm? I don't remember. We were going to throw a party. I was there. And I thought I saw Tubbo, Tommy did too. But no one else saw you Tubbo? Did you come to the party? We had cake, you know? We could have shared."

"I haven't been to Logstedshire," Tubbo stated. "But that doesn't answer the question. I haven't seen you outside of L'Manberg for nearly a month if I'm not mistaken. So the party must have been before that."

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