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YOU OPEN YOUR MAILBOX TO SEE A LETTER FROM 'UA.' You head back to your house, Go upstairs and read the letter. The second you get to open the letter, You get a call from an Unknown Caller ID.

"Who Is This?" Y/n asks.

"Hey Y/n! It's Me, Ochako!" Ochako exclaims.

"Oh! Hello there Ochako. What's The Occasion For This Call?" Y/n questions.

"All Of Our Friends Wanted To Thank You For Saving Deku's Life!" Ochako says in a bubbly voice.

"Deku..? I'm Not Familiar With That Name." Y/n says. 

"Oh! I Keep Forgetting That You Don't Go To Our School Nor Are You In Our Class! It's A Nickname For Izuku!" Ochako explains.

"I May Go To You School. You Never Know. I Just Got  A Letter From A School." Y/n laughs.

"Ooo! What School Is It?!" Ochako bubbles.


"UA?! THAT'S THE SCHOOL WE GO TO!" Ochako jubilates. 

"Wow. What A Coincidence!" Y/n says happily. 

"I Shouldn't Waste Your Time And Keep You Waiting From Reading The Letter. Open It!" Ochako reassures.

"Alright Then. Goodbye." Y/n hangs up.

'What?! Another new student?! These extras don't know when to stop..!' Bakugou thinks to himself. 'I'm so glad I came across this conversation. Now I have someone else to beat.' Bakugou smirks and walks away from the scene.

Y/n smile fades away while she starts to read the letter.

'Hello Ms. L/n. I, Principal Of UA, Has decided to give you a special spot in UA! I have seen you're training clips and you seem like a very strong woman and would love to see you compete with the strongest class in your age range. Come to UA tomorrow, Tuesday morning.'

Thank You, P. Nezu

'Oh wow. I just got into the best school in the country. I'm probably going to have to train harder for the people I will be versing in the future and in UA but I am so very grateful for this opportunity to come to the school. Mother would've been so proud. Am I really gonna do this? Yes, I will. For mom. To prove that I'm worthy of being a hero. To prove that I've changed.' I thought. 

Y/n does have really nice things to cherish. Her mother's clothing, Her room, Her bed. Everything that she has is something Y/n will keep in her life forever. Her mom was the CEO of Techo-Quirk Enterprises. Now that she's dead, Everybody called it quits because no one in the family was old enough for it. 

Y/n inherited all of her mother's money and is trying to save as much as she can just to have memories of her. Y/n doesn't cry about her she's just mourning her death in so many ways without shedding any tears.


"Alright class, Settle down." Aizawa says lazily. "Before you guys go home, I have an important announcement to make." Aizawa continues. "There will be a new student coming to UA and will be fighting four of the people in THIS class first thing in the morning. Pro's will be there AND your Principal. Now, Raise up your hand to fight." Aizawa explains.

Bakugou raises his hand with a smug look plastered on his face. Todoroki calmly raises his hand with a determined look on his face. Mina raises her hand with a happy look on her face. Lastly, Izuku raises up his hand with an awkward smile.

"Alright then. Bakugou, Todoroki, Mina and Izuku are going to be fighting on Tuesday. Make sure you guys remember to wake up early and train your hardest with the time you have. You're dismissed." Aizawa finishes.

'Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.' Aizawa thinks to himself.


"Tomura, Are you sure you held her hand with all of your fingers?" Kurogiri asks. "Of course I did. It didn't work on her. I just don't know why. Make sure to keep a lookout for her. Tomura commands. "Alright then. If we find her, Who's gonna make the move?" Kurogiri questions. 

"Dabi and Toga will." Shigaraki lazily replies.  "Oo! That'll be fun!" Toga exclaimed. "Don't get your hopes up. Shigaraki's quirk didn't work on her. Our quirks may work though but we never know." Dabi warns.

"If you both manage to defeat her, Then we'll attack at once," Shigaraki confirms while they all no showing that they have agreed.

The League has now agreed on attacking Y/n for the mystery behind her quirk. Will they actually defeat Y/n? 


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