Chapter thirty five

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We've reached the filler chapters, bear with me as we get through all the stuff leading up to the next big crisis. Enjoy.

Third person

Elena walks up the pouch steps of Alexa's house and removes the plant for the window stile. Underneath is the front door key. Elena retrieves the key and inserts it into the lock. Quickly she swings the door open and enters the house. She takes a second to look around then quickly mounts the stairs.

Once at the top Elena turns down the hallway and enters Alexa's room. She looks at the bed in the centre of the floor with matching nightstands on either side. She walks to the left and pulls open the drawer. In the small compartment is the bottle of Klaus' blood along with the note he'd left her.

Elena scoffs at the note and shoves the bottle into the pocket of her jacket. She snoops around more looking for any other indication Klaus has been here. She comes up empty handed and leaves the room.

Annalexa's POV

Light sprawls across the room making it rather difficult to fall back asleep. I'm not complaining too much. I've woken before Klaus so I'm just laying head on his chest and looking up at him. His usual tough exterior is completely dissolved while he sleeps. He looks peaceful or he did. His brows furrow together and his arms grip tighter around my waist and shoulders. I'm held close as the pained expression only deepens on his face. If I didn't know any better I would say he's having a nightmare.

"She's mine" he rasps out still fully asleep. "Don't go near her"

I'm both flattered I'm in his dream and frightened of what he's seeing. Not wanting him to experience this any longer I shake him lightly.

"Nik" I say lightly pushing him. "Wake up." I say louder shaking him more aggressively.

He sits up abruptly and pulls me up with him. I squeak at the sudden jolt forward, but I quickly wrap my arms around his torso.

"Sorry," he says still holding onto me tightly. "I didn't mean to wake you,"

"I was already up." I say glancing at him. "You okay?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" He quickly brushes off the question and ignores my plea.

I don't think much of it and loosen my grip on him. "No reason." I say bringing myself onto his lap. "I'm going to shower, I suggest you find me clothes when I come out."

"And why would I do that when you look so lovely in mine?" He says placing his hands on my lower back and fiddling with the hem of the shirt.

"Because if you don't, I will be forced to call Damon to bring some over, and we both know how quickly he will come to my aid." I say propping my self up so I'm looking down on him.

"Don't you dare," he says flipping me onto my back. He positions himself close above me and ranks his hands over my body. He presses his mouth to mine roughly. My arms wrap around his back and cling to it.

Something across the room begins to go off. Nik lifts himself from me and glares at it across the room. He saunters over to the device and pushes it to his ear.

"Hello" he says slowly walking back over. I sit up and wait for the other voice to answer back.

"Hello?" A female voice says timidly on the other end.

I look at the phone and recognize it as my own. That's why the girl sounds so confused.

"Can I talk to Alexa?"

"I suppose," Nik hands me the phone and sits back on the bed.


"Alexa it's Elena," she sounds super judgemental, but hey that's usual for a bitch that thinks she's the centre of the universe.

"Hi," I say letting my tone reflect me feelings towards her at this point.

"Jeremy's leaving today and he wants to know if he should wait to say goodbye to you," if at all possible she changes her voice to sound more displeased "but if your busy, I'll just tell him to leave."

"No," I say angry about her dismissive attitude "I'm heading over now," I say standing up and walking over to the bathroom. "I'll be right there." I hang up the phone and turn back around to Klaus who was looking at my butt the whole time I was standing.

"I'm going to need clothes," I say stepping into the bathroom. "Now."

I shut the door and try to make it look like I didn't just get up. I kind of flatten out my hair and throw it into a quick braid. I splash water on my face to wake myself up the rest of the way.

A knock sounds on the door before it swings open. "Here" he says placing a pile of clothes on the counter.

I momentarily look away from the mirror to place a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks," I say. "I could use a ride," I state as he walks to his dresser "if you don't mind."

"Not at all," he says tossing on a long sleeve shirt "Whenever you're ready."


"Wait for me!" I yell jumping out of the still slightly moving car to beat Jeremy to Alaric's car. I get there just before he steps in.

"I didn't think you were coming" he admits. Lowering his head slightly.

"And miss seeing you off?" I bring him into a hug. After a moment I push off. "If you need anything," Jeremy scoffs and I lean closer too him "anything you don't want your sister to know," I pull back and speak slightly louder "give me a call." I punch him lightly in the arm.

"I will." He says getting into the car and driving off with Ric. I wave before steeping on the side walk to talk to Elena and Bonnie.

"Is Caroline okay?" I ask.

Elena looks over my shoulder into the car I jumped out of and sees Klaus. "Yeah, not that you care,"

Bonnie takes a steep back sensing the storm that's brewing between Elena and I.

"You don't get to play the friend," I tell her crossing my arms across my chest. "If anyone doesn't care it's you." Elena pulls a 'how dare you' face and stares back at me. "I'm not the one constantly putting my friends in danger to fill my own selfish need."


"Excuse you I wasn't finished," Bonnie steps back again and watches. "Not to mention playing off Damon's and Stefan's feelings for you to get what you want. What's that, Damon thinks it's a bad idea and could put too many people in danger? Better go behind his back to the emotionless ripper to insure everything goes the way you want."

"You're out of line"

"Guess what, I'm done trying to justify myself to you. I'm my own person and I don't give a shit about how you think of me. Next time you find your self in need or danger call someone who gives a crap. I'm done with protecting you, if you get in the way of my plans or Klaus no longer has need of you, I will kill you myself,"

I turn around and walk away from her. I can hear her take in a sharpe breath and ask Bonnie to say something on her behalf. Bonnie being smarter than the average witch remains quite.

I open the passenger side door and turn back to Elena, "Tell Damon I say hi," I climb in and close the door.

Klaus smirks at me then looks back at Elena's shocked figure standing in front of the house. "I'm impressed," he says pulling away from the curb. "Didn't think you had it in you."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

"I look forward to figuring them out"

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