Chapter twenty two

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"Stefan get your lazy ass out here right now!" I yell from the other side of the boarding house door. Loud music, giggling and the sent of blood flows from the house.

"Out of my way" Rebekah rudely brushes past me right into the house. I go to follow her in and she closes the door in my face. "Where's Stefan?" She asks whom in assuming is Damon. I swing open the door and march in after her.

"Morning" I mutter as I pass Damon.

"He left me here, my brother actually left me here," she complains.

"Your tone implies I'm actually suppose to care" Stefan retorts sitting on the couch. Girls are playing twister in the parlour, not to mention their covered in blood. Two brown haired girls line the staircase. Their blood stains the rug.

"You're Klaus's sister?" Damon asks the mer mention of his name causes my pulse to quicken. We left on such bad terms.

"Which room is mine?" She asks placing her mass amount of shopping bags on the rug.

"You're not staying here."I explain crossing my arms "Frankly your annoying"

She looks around the room and sees that Stefan and Damon agree with me "Rude the whole lot of you" she scowls "I'll see to it myself" she begins to walk up the stairs then stops dead in her tracks " I see my brother left you here as well" she laughs "Good to see he came to his senses" she adds before disappearing upstairs.

"I chose to stay" I exclaim I check my phone, oh shit we're going to be late "Stefan hurry up or I'm leaving you behind!" I holler leaving the boarding house.

I sit in my car for five minutes. Nothing. Not even a sign of him. Well he's getting ditched. I turn my car on and head for school.

Groups of people are standing all over the parking lot. "Move!" I yell at a couple kissing in one of the senior parking spots. "I would like to park!" They stop and scramble out of the way. Thanks to Stefan I'm beyond late. I race to the office and pick up my schedule, locker combination and locker number. I barely had enough time to sit in a desk in history before the bell rang.

Stefan was in front of me on the right then Elena in front of me then Caroline front left. Tyler sat behind Caroline and to the left of me.

Alaric started teaching "Alright seniors let's turn our brains back on, starting with the original founders, the Native Americans" he goes to continue but he's interrupted.

"What about the Vikings?" A blonde girl asks. Damn it Rebekah get your own damn class. I frankly liked history.

"There's no evidence that Vikings explores steeled in the United States" he say as a matter-of-fact "Who are you?"

"Rebekah and history's my favourite subject" oh piss off.

Alaric looks around the room at our little group. We slightly shake our heads, signalling that's she is not normal. Class progressed as usual, normal teenage experience. The whole day was typical, except for Stefan basically stalking Elena.

I went straight home after school. A summer of not being home and maintaining it. It was a travesty. Everything in the house is dusty and gross, the dishes I thought I could do after we got the cure from Klaus were awful. The food in the fridge was disgusting, everything was mouldy and the whole thing reeked. Even with my vampire speed the house took hours to clean.

Now that the house was clean I can finally get ready for the bonfire. I change into dark grey jeans and a black and white top. I throw on a my cargo jacket when my phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask into my slide phone.

"Hi, Alexa meet us at the school in 15 minutes"

"Damon? Why?" I mumble

The Hybrid (working on editing)Where stories live. Discover now