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We ended up in New York

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We ended up in New York

There must be to many colleges, institutions, schools in here, but, we're getting into 3 

-Shield Academy

-Hydra Academy

-X-Men Academy

X-Men Academy

Directed and created by Proffesor Charles Xavier

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Directed and created by Proffesor Charles Xavier.

Co-directed and co-created by Erik Lehnsherr.

If you're a mutant, welcome, if you aren't, there's to many fucking schools. It's not obligated to be here if you're a mutant, but, it's pretty great if you are.

X-Men Academy has the same classes as every other instituion plus classes and training to control and improve ur mutant abilities.

Hydra Academy

Hydra Academy

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(I know.. it's sokovia, and wtf with the bloody mountains, picture it as not sokovia, and less mountains)

Directed and created by Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker.

Hydra academy is recognized mainly because of it's affiliation with institutions who look up children with difficult life situations, orphans, fucked up parents, low economic income, etc.

It works like this: 

Hydra Academy or an organization who looks after kids dealing with difficult situations they get in touch with their tutors, the organizotion who looks after them or in case no one really looks after them, they get assigned to an organization and this one assigns them to Hydra Academy.

There's not a lot known about their methods, but it is known their students train for hours at a proffesional level different types of combat and tempt to be smarter than the average.

Hydra Academy opens a lot doors to their students for when they left, CIA, FBI, Hydra industries, basically any job u could think of.

Shield Academy

Directed and created by Nick Fury

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Directed and created by Nick Fury

Shield Academy is the most popular college in NY, big open areas, students from all around the world, competitions between schools, everything happens there.

It also has lots of students because of the huge range of careers they offer, sports and arts are considered of value so competitions, matches, plays, expositions, convenctions are organized by students with some help from the superiors.

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