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After Bomin went home I decided to talk to my parents. I didn't really had a problem with telling them that, because I'm really close with them and I can talk with them about everything.

I'm pretty sure they will tease me for that, but my mom may actually be excited. She also had us really early cause she was 21 when she gave birth to us.

"So, my child what did you want to tell us? You said it's important" I played with my fingers looking at the table.

"Well, so uhm my period was late two weeks so today I decided to take a pregnancy test just in case" I started and my dad buried his head in his hands while my mom face palmed herself.

"I- uhm wasn't sure at first so not long ago I took another one and the line was more visible" I said while showing my mom the pregnancy test.

My dad was looking at me with disappointment and my mom was emotionless.

"Are you guys going to keep it?" my mother said while literally glaring at me and waiting for my answer. "Well, we talked about it and Bomin said he'll take the responsibility and even though I'm not really ready to have a kid but I want to keep it" after I saw my mom being satisfied with the answer I could breath comfortably.

"I'm mad at both of you, for not being responsible while doing certain activities but I appreciate your mature decision, and I know it'll be hard for you at school but know that we're here for you and Bomin, ok?" I nodded and hugged both of my parents.

They were such an amazing people and even though I often was a brat they never got angry because most of the times they try their best to understand me and what I feel. And that's why they make me so comfortable, I can trust them with everything.

Sometimes I'm glad my biological father left us, cause I'm happy how it is and knowing that Jihye doesn't have such a great relationship with her parents mostly with my dad cause obviously they are using him for money.

I get everything I want but I'm thankful for it all the time. And since after college I'll probably take over my mom's company and Hyunjin will take over our dad's company we both try our best so our parents can trust us enough to give us something they worked really hard for.


It's Sunday, and I was hanging out with Bomin at his house because we were supposed tell his parents about the pregnancy. I was really nervous but Bomin's parents are really great they treat me like I'm their own daughter and they were very happy when we told them we're dating. Well, his mom knew I liked him mostly because she noticed things that I didn't even knew about.

We were sitting in the living room when his parents came back home from their date. "Oh, our Hyuna is here" Mrs. Choi said as she gave me a hug. "You guys know what's funny, last night I had such a weird dream. I went inside the bedroom because I heard someone crying and there was a baby crib, and then I came closer and there was a little baby inside of it" Bomin's mom told us about her dream and we just looked at each other, because his mom was really confused because she was sure that it's about someone being pregnant in the family but beside Bomin there's no one to get pregnant because his cousins are way younger than him.

"Why are you guys looking at each other like that?" She said with a confusion in her voice.

Bomin and I again looked at each other and started laughing which made his mom even more confused than she already was. "Well, mom funny story! Hyuna's pregnant" We both started laughing even more cause pregnancy is such a funny thing, it sometimes shows up at the most unexpected time.

"You got her pregnant!? BOMIN!" I couldn't tell if she's mad or she's accepting that. "How many times dad told you to use fucking protection!" as she said it his dad came running to the living room.

"Did I hear that right?" His dad couldn't believe that his sex ed didn't work the way he want it. "You got mom pregnant when she was 20! I'll be 20 in in like few months and Hyuna will be 20 in like a month" What Bomin said were facts and his dad couldn't even say anything at that point.

We told his parents that we will keep the baby, and they said that they're always going to be here to help us in any way. After a bit Mrs. Choi was pretty excited to have me as future daughter-in-law even though me and Bomin didn't mention that to each other at least yet.

I was scared but also excited about having our own little family...


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