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Bomin was starting his university life earlier than me. I was supposed to start it after I give birth to our baby girl. Our parents helped us with getting an apartment that was close to our school. After I give birth our moms are going to help us by babysitting our baby while we are in our lectures.

I was due in two weeks, everything was ready for her arrival. Our apartment had 3 rooms, our bedroom, nursery and guest room. We usually wake up at the same time but since I had a pretty rough night Bomin woke me up later and told me he's going to school.

I nodded and went back to sleep. I woke up about an hour later, as I got up I suddenly got really bad cramps. After few seconds it stopped. I took a shower, dressed myself and put my hair up. It was around 11AM and I started making myself something to eat.

I immediately froze when I felt a liquid dripping down. "Oh my god, not now" I said as I realized that my water broke. I was pretty calm as I didn't feel any pain yet, so I brought bags from the nursery and left it in the hallway.

My contractions got worse in a span of 30 minutes. I wanted to wait until Bomin gets back and he was probably already on his way home since his lectures end quickly today.

I only called my doctor and he said that I don't have to rush since the time between the contractions is pretty long.

In the middle of having another contraction, I heard a door open. "Bomin-ah.." I said with a tired and full of pain voice.

"Hyuna, what's wrong?!" he rushed to me and started rubbing my back. "We need to go to the hospital, my water broke" his eyes opened wide as he clearly didn't expect the baby to come out today.

He helped me getting my shoes on and wearing my jacket. He took the bags and went to place them in the car. While I was locking the door another contraction hit me and the time between was getting shorter and shorter. I slowly made my way to the parking lot and met Bomin halfway.

While Bomin was driving I called our parents and told them that we're on our way to the hospital.


I was screaming in pain, the doctors didn't want to give me another epidural. I was about to go crazy. Bomin tried to be as calm as he could. He held my hand, wiped the sweat from my forehead and just took care of me really well. Our parents were stuck in a traffic. It was 13:38PM when the doctor said I'm 10cm.

I was relieved way too soon. They took me to the other room where I was supposed to give birth.

Bomin held my hand as I was doing my best in pushing. It seemed to never end.


After 5 hours of pushing and almost passing out we heard the most beautiful sound. Our girl crying filled the room and I couldn't feel any pain anymore.

They placed her on my chest and both of us got emotional. Bomin placed a kiss on my forehead. "You did well, baby" he said as he patted my head.

"Ahri-yah, welcome to the world baby" I said while slightly pressing my lips to her tiny head.

She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen..


Without You || Choi Bomin || CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now