Chapter 1 - Need To Know

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Chapter 1 - Need To Know

I scowl at myself in the mirror. Damn those appetizers and shots from Damian’s Christmas get together; and damn Amelia Jackson for making me eat from Burger King.

I forgot how freakin’ huge an Angus was - whichever one she chose for me. Oh Amelia... That girl really has it in for me. She’s my rock, the star that lights my way. She is the type of person who always knows what to do and what to say.

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that rhymed, how corny. "my rock, the star that lights my way"? What is she my girlfriend? Nope. Simply best friend, but she's definately a keeper!

Anyway, although Ameilia is an amazing girl, I have finally find one thing she can have no control over. She cannot help me with what is about to go down.


I admit, it was great while it lasted, but now, after two years it only seems to be getting worse. We used to have so much fun together. We used to do it at least once a day, and do not even tell me I'm a sex addict because darling, you don't know shit. Now we only do it once a month, if even that. Note that I cannot even use the word 'sex' or 'make love' to describe the events that take place on the bed and only the bed. Filled with sexual fustration is what I am, for all I know he could be off, out, whoring about with God knows who. Sticking his cock into God knows what, filled with something not even God knows about. Hi God. *smiles tediously* I’m fuming. I. Have. Officially. Had. Enough. I mean, I even moved in with the son of bitch.

There’s always that one excuse, ‘I’m tired’; ‘I have to work’; ‘I need to finish this, I need to finish that’... Wait, there’s more: ‘ I’m not in the mood’; ‘my arm hurts’. The only eason I can think of for yourarm to hurt so much you couldn't perform sexual intercourse would be down to heavy session of wanking mate. What is happening to my life. There is always something that hurts. It sound annoying right; well now you know how I feel whenever that mood catches you and you want to embrace the sensation... One, unfulliflled sensation. In, out, in, out, a gasp and a pull out. Oh, so non for me? Oh, okay than, I'll just lay here feeling like a used peice of-

Back to the story: So I finally plucked up the courage and confronted him, asking him whether he was unhappy in our relationship. He dodged, just as I’d expected, which only made him look more guilty to the fact that maybe something was going on. That only lead to him behaving like a bloody smart-ass; telling me that I’m out of order and that I have become sour.

“Sour? Sour? I’ll tell you what’s sour” I hissed at him, “Your little games are sour. Always trying to get out of situations that resort to having to spend time with me for too long. That is apart from sleeping of course.” I paused, choosing my next words carefully.

“Why is it that you detest having sex with me?” I asked. He denied the accusation.

“Well if that’s how you want it, how you are going to treat me; you can sleep on the couch, or the floor. Which ever you prefer.” I paused again, inhaling deeply, pushing down my nerves. “Before you go or do anything, answer me truthfully,” at this moment I tried to go for a blank stare, intimidating but blank nonetheless; although I’m not sure if it worked, because I felt a slight tinge of heat on my face which could only mean one thing. I blushed. Thank goodness for my light brown skin. Being mixed race is helpful. I laughed to myself, only causing the idjit in front of me to have a puzzled expression.

‘Shit,’ I thought, ‘this is going to be tricky. I’ve never done anything like this before, and sure it would be sad to never see him again... Wait, would it? Think about it, seeing his back for the last time; being able to go out and gainnew experiences. Damn, that actually sounds pretty fantastic and well, I may have exagerratted a bit on the fact that this was my first time I broke up with a guy, but that’s definitely what it must’ve looked like to him. 

My subconscious face-palmed herself while holding up a placard with “So not the alpha-male role we were going for” in her hand. Damn, I’m screwed, but I can’t stop now. He’s already looking at me all funny.

"Are you having an affair on me?"

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