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I held onto the car door for dear life as Annie swerved around another car.

"If I die, tell Lorraine I'm sorry for getting in your car!"

"Oh, stop being so dramatic. I know what I'm—fucking go, you asshole! You're in the fast lane, go fast!"

Owen and I shared a look as Annie flipped off the driver in front of us. I was suddenly jealous of Quinn and Payton who were riding Quinn's motorcycle to the mall. I think I would have rather taken my chances being in a sidecar than put my life in the hands of Annie's driving.

By the time we got to the mall, my hands hurt from gripping the handle so hard and Owen was looking a little green. Annie on the other hand, took a deep breath as she locked the car and skipped to the entrance. Owen and I lurched forward, holding each other up.

Quinn and Payton met us at the food court, although my stomach was not appreciative of the smells and I started feeling queasy.

"Whoa, what happened to you guys?"

I whipped my head to Annie was smile and waved, "She nearly killed us!"

Quinn snorted, "And this is why I am thankful I have my own vehicle," he said haughtily, so I flipped him off.

"I'm glad you made it in one piece," Payton said quietly and I smiled at them, gesturing wildly to Quinn and Annie.

"You see, at least someone cares! Thank you, Payton, for your concern. Right now, the only people I like are Owen and Payton. They are my real friends,"

Annie rolled her eyes, "Ever the theatrical, Zade. Come on, we don't have all day!"

Six shops later and our arms were full of bags that were getting heavier. The only bag that didn't seem to be getting heavier was the one I got for myself and Morgan. When I saw the lingerie store, I couldn't resist and I dragged everyone inside.

Poor Payton looked like they were going to keel over when Annie started shoving clothes at them. Annie, to her credit, tried to give them both masculine and feminine choices, but Payton turned every single item down.

I tried on a few pieces before deciding on a metallic light blue corset piece with matching panties and garter stockings. They looked good with a pair of heels I had seen earlier, so naturally, I had to go back and buy those.

I hoped Morgan would like the ensemble I chose. He seemed distracted this morning and it occurred to me that he never told me what he had been thinking this morning. He seemed so serious when he said, 'I just have a couple things I want to talk about is all.' Usually when someone said that, it wasn't a good sign. But, thus far, I didn't have a reason to believe Morgan had bad news.

"You okay, Zade?"

I looked up from my phone, "Hmm? What? Yeah, yeah. Just thinking,"

Quinn didn't say anything, but the concern was etched on his face, so I gave him a reassuring smile, "I'm good. I promise. Just thinking about Morgan is all. Oh, here comes Payton and Owen,"

Payton had their arms crossed as they reached us. When we started picking out clothes, Payton told us they felt sick and Owen went with them to the bathroom. I remembered the brunch we had a couple months ago and Payton had done the same thing. Did they not like babies or something?

I had to wonder if the whole baby gender thing made them uncomfortable, but I didn't want to ask and offend them either. It didn't seem like my place to ask.

"Okay, I am officially exhausted. Let's get some food and then we can leave," Annie said, standing up and pulling the numerous bags along with her. Quinn followed suit and I lagged behind, stepping in line with Payton.

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