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I jerked awake and swatted at whatever was on my ear. I was expecting to hit a gnat or a spider. I was not expecting to hit a nose and an eye.

"Ow, ow. That hurt,"

I turned my head as much as I could and tried not to laugh, "I'm sorry, Morgan. I didn't realize you were so close to me. Your beard was hitting my ear and I thought it was a bug,"

"Nope. No bugs. Just me and my poor eye,"

I turned completely and moved his hand away from his eye, "I am really sorry about that. Let me see it," I opened his eye as much as I could, "Well, it's a little red, but I'm sure you'll survive,"

I kissed him quickly and he brought me closer for another one, "Your breath is awful," he murmured before kissing me again. I rolled my eyes, not bothering to tell him that his breath was pretty bad too.

I stood up and yawned, "You wouldn't happen to have a spare change of clothes in that bag you brought, would you?"

Morgan hmphed and said, "Of course I do. Who do you take me for? Yours are on the right,"

We both got dressed and headed towards the kitchen.

As I turned the corner, I saw Annie gripping the counter and Sam's head was in between her legs. My eyes widened and I let out a yelp and turned right back around. Morgan grunted as I ran into him and started pushing him away. It took a lot of effort, but I managed to move him an inch or two. Why did he have to be so big and muscley?

"What's wrong?"

"I just witnessed something I'd rather not,"

"Oh, please Zade. It's not like you've never seen us at the club?" Sam's voice rang out behind me, "Besides, I thought you were into voyeurism,"

I faced her and said, "That's different. It's a club setting, not your home! And no, I prefer to be seen, not necessarily do the seeing,"

"Mmm. That's good to know." Morgan's hands wrapped around my torso, sliding down. I shuddered slightly and jabbed my elbow into his stomach.

"That's not funny!" I said as Sam and Morgan laughed. I hugged myself and marched towards the kitchen where Annie was still sitting on the counter, but her shorts were back on.

"Sorry about that Zade," she muttered and blushed. She was probably more embarrassed than I was because of how shy she was when it came to sex and playing. Girl could talk your ear off but she won't discuss her own sex details and definitely won't let anyone but her Mistress see her naked.

"That's alright, Annie. I should have knocked. Especially knowing you two. Having sex like bunnies,"

"What about a Bunny?" Owen's head popped around the other side of the kitchen and I jumped. I had forgotten they were here too.

"Nothing," Annie said sharply.

"I caught Annie and Sam doing something naughty on the counter. I told her that they have sex like bunnies. As in a lot,"

"Zade!" Annie pouted and Owen patted her head.

"What are you doing to my girl?" Sam asked, coming back into the kitchen. She pulled Annie in for a quick kiss.

"Well, that's a lovely first sight of the morning," Cale had entered, leaning against the wall and smirking. Sam gave him the middle finger and he snorted.

I took a small step behind Morgan, who noticed and raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything upon me shaking my head.

I did not want to have that discussion here.

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