Chapter 2

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After everyone got comfortable we sat down and the thing started to play.
Little girls were seen running to an empty field. The were all wearing summer dresses. One who looked to be the eldest was seen walking on the roots of a tree.

While the other two girls who could be recognized as Rose and Lily Evans were sitting down on their knees playing with the beautiful flowers in the field.
"I know the two girls playing with the flowers are you and Lily but who's the girl walking around the tree?" a curious Remus asked me.

I let out a sigh and responded "That is mine and Lily's older sister Petunia. But as of right now we are not on speaking terms." after saying that I muttered under my breath "She's being a stupid jealous spoiled ass bitch."

Me saying that caused the Mikaelson's to hold their laughs.
"Oh no" Lily said holding up a dead flower sadly showing it to Rose.

Lily then cupped her hands around the flower and opened them to reveal a beautiful flower good as new.

Rose found a beautiful blue butterfly that was injured and did the same thing as Lily and sure enough it healed.

"Wow" they said in unison and started giggling. They then went and showed Petunia to which she replied "You guys are freaks. Mom Rose and Lily are being freaks!"
"If I ever see her I will make her life a living hell." Said an upset Marlene because of how her sister in everything but blood was treated by her older sister.

"Don't worry I got her back over the years." I said smirking and Lily began giggling while everyone else looked excited to see what was going to happen to Petunia.
A boy with dark hair comes into view and said "You're witches."

"That's rude!" Said Lily hiding behind Rose as Rose put herself in front of Lily in case something were to happen.

The boy laughed a bit before explaining to them about Hogwarts, them being witches, things about the wizarding world, etc.
Rose is seen in the bathroom putting an unknown substance in a bottle. She is later seen putting a bowl of pink slime on top of a door, and pouring an unknown liquid into a perfume bottle.

She then exits the room and walks past a sign that says Petunia's room smirking.

She walks downstairs and began helping her mom and Lily cook dinner when they hear Petunia yell "AHHH."

Petunia is seen walking downstairs with neon green hair.

"Tunia did you dye your hair?" Asked Rose and Lily in unison.

"Which of you freaks did this? I'm supposed to meet with my friends at the park later!" She asked/exclaimed angrily.

"Petunia your sisters are not freaks, they are special. And they were down here before you even got in the shower so they couldn't have done it." Mrs.Evans said defending her daughters.

"Ugh whatever. I need to go get ready!" She then walked out of the room and went upstairs to her room.

"AHHHHHHH" she screeched loudly and walked downstairs covered in pink slime.

"MOM these little brats did something." "Sweetie I'm telling you they have been with me the whole time."

"Ugh." She then went upstairs washed herself clean of slime and went to get ready.

Petunia is seen spraying lots of the perfume that Rose was seen doing something too on herself.

She walks downstairs and sits at the dinner table next to Mr.Evans and he started heaving at the smell coming from his eldest daughter.

Soon enough everyone had scooted away from Petunia covering their noses with their hands.

"Petunia dear what happened to you? Did you get sprayed by a skunk?" Asked their mom.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Darling you need to go upstairs and take another shower you smell like you were sprayed by a skunk." Said their dad.

She ran upstairs and grabbed the perfume bottle and smelled it and gagged.

Later Rose and Lily are seen in their room laughing "I can't believe you didn't get caught!" "I know but anyway Petunia got what was coming to her and if she does something like what she did before like calling us names I will continue to do it."

They then high-five and say goodnight and go to sleep.
Everyone (including Elijah) was laughing so hard tears were streaming down their faces.

The Marauders high-five Rose and congratulate her on not getting caught as well as for the pranks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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