chapter two

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"Isabelle what are you doing home so early" "don't worry nothing went wrong paw asked me to come and look after the horses" "major" she said the stern maw gone as I walked out to the barn to tend to the horses "bye char" heard foot steps following me "I know your back there major" he finally caught up with me "how'd you know" "I just know crap I think I got it from paw" "how would you be able to get it from Peter you were adopted right" "no I i was not maw gave birth to me but that's there story to tell not mine" I fed the six horses while he just stood there "did you forget how to take care of a horse" "no" he replied "well then I brought one for you he is that one he is a year old he don't even have a name yet I brought the youngest one we had so you could train him and every thing we got a back road to ride them down you wanna go" "sure" he replied "I got to tell maw" I walked out of the barn and yelled "maw me and major are going for a ride" "ok" we heard humans wouldn't have been able to hear it "she said ok" jasper said "I know" I told him I walked back in the barn and walked to bluejeans stable and put his black saddle that says bluejeans in neon green letters "nice saddle" he told me "thanks paw had it custom seized and custom painted for bluejeans" "what saddle can I use" "take a guess" I replied "the one that says major on it" "correct" paw said walking in the barn "would you like me to saddle soul stealer" I asked taking a glance at the black horse in the last stall "no" he replied "its just you and major to day" "ok paw love ya" I said as he walked out of the barn "saddle him up major" I said finishing bluejeans when I Looked over he was done putting the saddle on the horse of his I walked bluejeans outside and jumped up in the saddle and major followed suit soon they were on the trail up to the mountains "what's your fave thing to do" he asked "this or playing the guitar" I replied instantly and taking to you I thought to my self as we rode on "yours" I asked "talking to you or playing guitar" I giggled "really" i asked "of course your just like what I would be if I was a girl" "oh" I said as we reached the top of the cliff I unmounted bluejeans and walked to the edge of the cliff the sun was setting jasper came and stood be side me watching the sun set he looked over at me and I pretended not to notice "its beautiful isn't it" "yes" "major" I said turning to look at his beautiful eyes he leaned down i Leaned up and are lips met with a spark it lasted a few seconds then it was over "sorry" he said "no its fine I liked it" I told him "what about Alice" he said so low he probably meant for it to be to himself "she can't see me and Edward can't here my thoughts or any anybody has about me" "I really like you jasper" I put my hand on his cheek and his eyes flicked to my own and he kissed my nose "come on" he said as he smiled and ran out toward his horse and mounted him I followed suit "wanna race" he asked "your on" I said. it was dark bye the time we reached the barn "I win" I yelled "what does the winner get" I asked he unmounted and walked over and pulled me off the horse and his lips met mine and I felt him smile during the kiss he deep end the the kiss as I put my hands in his hair I pulled back "we best get going if your going to get back so paw can tell the story and get back to your family" he growled but went and unsaddled his horse as I did mime and rubbed them down and fed and waters them I gave bluejeans a apple he followed suit with his horse he grabbed my hand as we walked back to the house I looked at our intertwined hands and smiled and looked up at him and he was looking at me he kissed my nose we walked up the steps as I opened the door he let go of my hand and we walked in the house "maw paw" I yelled "Isabelle" maw said "Izzy" paw said as they walked in the living room "Jazzman" paw said "jasper" maw said as they sat down I walked over to the foot of the stairs "paw can I go to my room while you tell ja_--" "don't call him bye his first name Isabelle now repeat your self with proper names" maw said "paw may I go to my room while you tell Mr.hale the story "yes izzy you may" I flashed jasper the call me sign he nodded slightly I ran up the stairs and put my hat on the hook and my jacket on the hook beside it I unbraided my hair then re braided it and put on a pair of sweat pants and a night top and got in "night maw night paw night Mr.hale" "night Izzy" paw yelled "night "Izzy" jasper yelled "night Isabelle" maw yelled I soon went to sleep

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