Here Comes the Devil

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The cool autumn air blew in his face as he stares at the moon. He looked at the way the twinkling stars surrounding the moon shone bright. For just a moment he closed his eyes. He let the calm silence and crisp air embrace him. Everything was beautiful at night to him. The way the moon shines on the lake made him feel calm and happy. This was his safe place. This was his calmness.

    Saint woke up to his annoying alarm clock and he groaned out loud turning the loud noise off and flopped back down on the bed. He wanted to sleep longer to go back to that calm space but he knew he couldn't. After a good 2 minutes of serious thinking about getting up or not. He reluctantly got out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. He turned on the light and regret immediately filled him.

    "Fuck." He cursed and closed his eyes covering them. "That was way too quick..." He complained to himself and soon opened his eyes again as they adjusted to the light. He looked at himself in the mirror and muttered something before splashing some water on his face to try and wake himself up more. It was no doubt that he was not a morning person. If any of his family even dared trying to wake him up. Omega or not someone was getting hurt and it wasn't gonna be him. After a quick shower and brushing his teeth with Saint grumbling to himself all the way through he was finally dressed.

"Seems like the cranky devil has finally left his lair." Gulf teases as Saint comes out of his room and he glares at his older brother.

"Shut up.." Saint mutters rubbing his eyes before walking downstairs seeing his mom making breakfast. His mom turned around and smiles at him kissing him on the cheek.

"Morning sweetie." His mom says and smiles at him before making his plate handing it to him. "Sleep well?"

"Morning.." Saint mumbles still a little sleepy and he takes the plate and sits down at the counter. "I guess.. the same as usual." He says before taking a bite of the pancakes and the taste of the food made any remains of sleep leave his body. He wasn't able to think straight until now remembering just how bad of a cook his mother was. Nevertheless he choked a few bites down and when his mom left to get ready for work he put the remains in a paper bag. After putting it in his backpack me grabbed his keys and card to get some breakfast on the way.

He says goodbye to his mom and brother and gets in his car driving to a café. As he got out he threw the bag of food from this morning in the trash in the back before going back to the front. Opening the door he walks inside and orders his usual from the barista. A coffee and cinnamon roll just like every morning. He sat down taking a sip of his coffee and scrolled through his phone. He had about 5 minutes to just sit and enjoy his breakfast before he needed to leave for his university.

After those 5 peaceful minutes he sighs and leaves a tip before walking out of the café back to his car. He started the engine driving to school parking his car before getting out walking inside the gates. Though It wasn't long before he encountered the devil at this school. He watched as he walked down the halls with his two friends and all the girls looked at him like they wanted to eat him. Or probably him eat them as Saint sighs loud. There wasn't a single school he could go to that wouldn't have one of these devils. But this one was the worst.

His name was Zee and Saint stared at him as the alphas gaze slowly landed on him.

A smirk formed on Zee's face seeing the annoyed omega staring at him. He stopped for a second and walks over seeing the omega raise a brow at his actions. He stops right in front of the omega and leans down. "What are you looking at hmm?" He asks in his deep voice looking the omega right in the eyes.

Saint stares at him and suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at the full of himself alpha. "Trying to get to class." He answers staring back at Zee.

Zee looks at the unfazed omega and chuckles before walking away without another word. Saint rolls his eyes when the alpha is out of sight and walks down the halls to his first class.

"Shut up would you?" Saint asks his friend Janis who was going on and on about something he didn't even care about. Janis glares at him but stops talking about that subject and studies Saint.

"How come you haven't gotten a girlfriend or boyfriend yet?" Janis asks making Saint almost choke on his own saliva as he went into a coughing fit. Janis immediately pats his back before he clears his throat and looks at her.

"Why are you asking this?" Saint asks before grinning not being able to pass up the chance to tease his best friend. "What? Have you finally caught feelings for me?" He asks acting dramatic warning him a jab in the side by his feminine yet violent BFF making him yelp and rub the place she jabbed whining at her.

Janis smirks before looking at him with an apologetic face earning a done face from Saint as he cursed her. "Remind me to never tease you again." He complained before getting back to what she asked. "Why are you so curious about my love life? Last time I checked your not Cupid and far from it." Saint says earning a glare from Janis and he moves away before she can elbow him again.

"So what? I'm a best friend~" Janis says grinning and wiggles her eyebrows. "Besides your 21 and it's unusual that you haven't dated anyone yet." Saint shrugs his shoulders at her words.

"So what? I may not be in a relationship but I'm doing just fine." Saint says and sits back down as Janis raises a brow.

"So your doing just fine with Jerking off every other day?" Janis asks smirking making Saint widen his eyes face turning red.

"What the fuck Janis!" Saint hisses and it was his turn to elbow her hard. "Shut up would you?"

Janis whines as he elbows her but looks at Saint still grinning. "My older brother has condoms for when you find the right one~" Janis teases before immediately getting up and running away before the fuming and annoyed Saint could attack.

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