Whats Wrong Princess?

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     Zee stares at his phone taking another bite of his food. "Hey Poppy do you know what that one omega's name was?" Zee says his eyes moving to Poppy who was sitting across from him.

    "There's a lot of 'that one omegas' Zee so can you be more specific?" Poppy asks him raising a brow and Zee chuckles.

     "The omega earlier that was staring at me and was unfazed when I approached him." Zee says looking at Poppy raising a brow. "Is that specific enough or do I have to find out his dick size too?" Zee jokes looking at Poppy as he laughs.

    Poppy laughs hearing him and shakes his head. "No no that's enough, his name is Saint." Poppy replies and gets on the school page showing Zee the photo of him. "Pretty smart and his friends are Janis and Mew he has an older brother named Gulf." Poppy explains and Zee nods his head listening.

    "He's an interesting omega.." Zee trails and looks down at his food. "Very interesting..."

Poppy raises a brow. "Bro whatever you thinking stop right there. You know your dad would never let you." Poppy says and Zee looks up at him.

"I'm not thinking about that!" Zee shouts glaring at Poppy and he raised a brow.

"Mhm..." Poppy hums and gets up leaving.

      Zee gets home placing his backpack down on the floor of his room before flopping down on his bed sighing loudly. He closed his eyes listening to the calm silence that encased him and his room. He cherished this calm silence while it lasted at least. But of course good things can't last forever as he heard his little sister start to have a tantrum.

   "It's probably about not being allowed to have 2 cookies again..." Zee mutters and huffs before sitting up going downstairs to see the issue. He see's his 4 year old sister whining and crying on the floor and he walks over kneeling down. "What's wrong princess?" He asks gently to get her attention.

    "I want another~" She whines looking up at him with puppy eyes and Zee has to force his head away from the irresistible doe eyes.

   "No princess dad said you can only have one.." He said and even though their dad was out of town for the next couple months he still tried to follow his rules. But this only earns a whimper from his little sister and she looks down pouting as she starts to cry again. And for some unknown and dumb reason Zee looks back over and silently curses himself seeing the miserable looking little princess. He takes a deep breath and gives in like he always does. "Ok Princess... one more." He says and his little princess immediately stopped crying looking at him with shining eyes.

    A soft smile makes its way to his lips and he ruffles her hair before standing up. He goes to the fridge and looks through it until he finds the strawberries. Once he had found the strawberries he looked through the pantry finding everything he wanted to try and make a new chocolate dessert.

    "If you love to eat so much why don't you just cook yourself?" Janis asks raising a brow and Saint laughs.

    "I almost burnt the house down last time I tried to good Janis! I'd rather have someone do it for me and I'm a horrible cook anyway." Saint says and chuckles a bit.

    "Ironic isn't it?" Janis asks and laughs with him. "You love to eat so much yet you can't cook to save your life." Janis says grinning and Saint chuckles nodding his head.

    "When I find a mate they better know how to cook or else I'm throwing them out to the trash." Saint says and huffs. "If they know how to bake that's a bonus." Saint says winking and Janis scoffs.
    "Don't tell me your really basing your entire love life over food!" She says with a done look as Saint grins and leans in.

   "Watch me." He teases with a playful smirk on his face.

     "No boy has a chance with you at this rate! Your so picky on what you like and dislike and when you don't like something. Especially when it's food and doesn't come from your mom you make it very known! Your gonna scare all the boys off before you even get a chance to know them because of your monstrous appetite!" Janis says glaring at him.

    Saint smirks and laughs as he listened to Janis and all of a sudden someone bumped into him. He turns around about to shout at whoever did that thinking it was Zee or one of those alphas but no it was a little girl. He looks raising a brow and kneels down.

    "What are you doing here alone princess?" He asks looking at the little girl and she was probably no more than 5 as she giggles.

    "Not alone! I'm with my big brother." She says and smiles. "Heyyyyy my brother calls me that!" She says excitedly and Saint chuckles as this girl was probably the most energetic child he's met.

    "Well what's your name princess and what's your brothers name so we can find him?" He asks softly as she smiles.

    "I'm Luna and my brother..." she says thinking straight when someone comes running towards them.

   "Princess! What did I tell you about running away from your brother? We're not playing tag!" Zee says catching his breath leaning over and he had been chasing after her for a good 10 minutes. "Damn.." he whispers to himself. "How is a 4 year old like you so energetic and fas..." Zee says before trailing off looking up and he widened his eyes seeing Saint and Saint took was shocked.

    "This is Zee my brother brother!" Luna says and runs over clinging to Zee's leg like a little koala.

    "You.... You have a sister?" Saint asks in disbelief that this arrogant Alpha actually had a little sister like Luna and right now he looked no where close to an arrogant alpha. But... protecting and carefree brother.

    Zee looks down embarrassed and gently peels the little clingy koala off his leg and picks her up making her giggle. "Mhm..." Zee hums and glares at Luna before letting her down. "Your not getting any of your brothers homemade sweets tonight for running away from him." He scolds but in a gentle tone and Saint was definitely all ears when he heard the word sweets and Janis scoffs seeing his sudden attention.

     "You have him reeled in now Zee." Janis says and rolls her eyes and Zee knows Janis a little more because of her older brother Mew.

   "Huh?" Zee asks and looks up confused before he sees Saint's attentive face and he raises a brow. "What's with you Supappong?" He asks with a raised brow and Janis face palms.

     "This idiot is obsessed with everything that can be put into his mouth every type of food ever and when you mentioned sweets you definitely got his attention." Janis explains and try's to snap the sparkling eyed omega out of his trance. "Stop drooling would you?! It's just food for gods sake!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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