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dreams /drēms/
a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.
"i had a recurrent dream about falling from great heights"

 "i had a recurrent dream about falling from great heights"

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As they drove home, 'The Lovers' wouldn't leave their mind. They were never really a spiritual person, but with all the weird shit going on, they're getting a little suspicious.

"Gaah, time moves so quickly..." They mumbled, glancing at the digital clock on their car's interface. The digital green print read "8:37 P.M.", and Y/N groaned. Their stomach rumbled with hunger, and they were much too tired to actually go cook something, so they made a quick detour to get some fast food.

They would regret how fast they ate, 'cause they passed out immediately after eating on their couch. It's a good thing they locked the door.

Entering the world of their dreams, Y/N reawoke in a familiar area. It reminded them of something, they couldn't quite put their finger on it. They shivered thinking about it, seemingly for no reason.

However, something about this place seemed different. It made the curious human at ease, happier than they would've normally been. They stood in a grassy field, littered with small flowers and weeds. The sun rested in the sky, still with the occasional clouds that drifted by.

Y/N, though not entirely familiar with their surroundings and how they ended up here, laid back on the grass, closing their eyes. They needed this peace.

A gentle breeze whisked past, brushing the human's hair against their face softly. Everything was perfect. Their mind couldn't even think properly, and yet their actions were relatively sane.

Suddenly, Y/N jolts up, feeling a sudden chill run down their body. It felt as if ice had replaced their skin, the cold was so sudden it knocked them back.

They shivered and brought their shaking legs together, hugging them to their chest. Alas, no warmth came.

Y/N put their head in front of their knees, tears beginning to fall from their eyes and dripping down from their pale face. The warmth of the liquid compared to their own body temperature was a drastic difference; it felt acidic.

Quickly, Y/N wiped their tears from their face with a closed palm, knowing the burn would likely be short-lasting.

The human felt empty. Something was lacking. But before they could ponder more on their sorry state, they were in a new location. They were in their car, parked in front of an unfamiliar house, although it seemed the true destination was just ahead. Lines of cars were already at that destination.

Due to their mind not being able to comprehend things properly at the moment, they didn't question this sudden environment change. In fact, they acted as if they knew what was happening, their body moved for them.

They stepped out of their car and shut the door, not bothering to lock it.

Y/N walked down the streets of a sunny neighborhood, looking at the mailboxes' numbers to check they had the right address.

They continued to stroll until their eyes fell upon the number,


Just as soon as they finished reading the plate, they passed out, then suddenly felt a rush as if they were falling. They screamed and cried out, shutting their eyes to the harsh unknown around them.

Y/N awoke in another cold sweat, breathing heavily. They looked around desperately, to be relieved at the familiar sight of their bedroom. At this point, they were considering Melatonin or Nyquil. They'd been getting less and less sleep recently.

They sat upright in their bed for a few minutes, just calming themselves down. A sudden memory popped into their head.


Frantically, Y/N grabbed a spare sticky note they had on their nightstand, scribbling the number down with a nearby pen.

Y/N huffed, staring at the note in their hand.

"...My mind is fucking with me."

𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙏 𝙄𝙎 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙇? ~ ENA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now