Sirius's death if Harry was female (Movie and book collide)

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"Nice one, Lily!" shouted Sirius over the commotion as Harriet disarmed Bellatrix. Harriet grinned, the moment not lasting for long as the Death Eater reobtained her wand.

The first jet of light to escape her wand narrowly missed Harriet's godfather.

"Come on, you can do better than that!" Sirius taunted.

Harriet turned to take on Lucius Malfoy when she heard a loud grunt behind her.

The second light hit Sirius directly in the chest. Harriet's eyes widened as he fell behind the vail.

Sirius was dead, and there was nothing she could do to fix it. She froze, tears brimming on her eyes. "You..." she began, pointing her wand at Bellatrix, who was laughing more madly than Sirius had when Harriet had first met him in the Shrieking Shack. Harriet pushed the thought of meeting her godfather away. It made her too upset to think about.

Suddenly, Harriet forgot about her wand. She would beat the one who'd destroyed her godfather with her fists. She ran at Bellatrix, but Remus Lupin stopped her from attacking.

Harriet started screaming at the top of her lungs. "Let me kill her!" she shrieked. She had never intended to kill before, but all she wanted at that moment was to brutally destroy her godfather's cousin.

Lupin stayed quiet, gritting his teeth as he continued pulling the screaming Harriet away from the scene. Bellatrix seemed so proud of herself. Harriet wanted - no - needed to wipe that smug, horrible grin off the Death Eater's face.

Harriet stopped screaming and let herself go limp, tears rolling down her face as Lupin pulled her away from Sirius's death place.

I feel so bad that this was the first thing that came to my mind, but hey, I'm in this kind of mood right now. I also *love* Sirius so much, I wanted the first clip to be dedicated to him. Also, a few seconds after this, Harriet ran after Bellatrix to 'kill' (crucio) her. So yeah

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