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Valentine's Day💖

Brilliant, lol, Valentine's Day another year single. Well you say single, you got a letter today from one very important Miss Madison Kitts wishing you a happy Valentine's Day and she drew an extremely realistic Poppy, (the cat).

You trudged into school as the sun refracted in your glasses, causing momentary blindness and a near miss from a passing car. You didn't tell anyone in form about nearly being run over because, quite frankly, you don't care for them and it would be quite embarrassing to be hit by a car and still live to tell the tale. Form time was over before it started (You think you were let out early) but continued on your way towards your history lesson. You were ecstatic to find out from Madison this morning that the day consisted of History and Science, honestly though you were more excited to be spending the whole day with her✨.

You waddled into H9 with no physical intentions but your mind was riddled with flashbacks from the last time you were in this room. You sat down at your usual seat, coincidentally alone in the room with sir, who hadn't looked up from his computer since you had obviously made your presence known. Which was odd, right? You began to unpack your quirky tote bag but soon realised that you haven't got a pen.

"Sir do you have a pen I could borrow please?" He looked up from his screen and started longingly at your beautiful brown eyes (as he also checked out the new fringe).

"Uh, yeah sure come grab it" ObViOuSlY you complied with his instructions, ObViOuSlY. He stood up to meet you whilst maintaining eye contact. You shuffled towards him through the middle of still empty tables. As you stood infront of him, eyes level with his lips, you noticed his breathing become heavy and grow rapid. It then occurred that perhaps the silence was a result of the last lustful encounter and the inability to resist another. The pen in his grasp- the only source of exit from the thick sexual tension. Your eyes averted from his and down to his hands (HIS HANDS), your cold fingers reached out to take the pen. His hand raised so a grazing of skin would be imminent, you knew the risk but you picked up the pen almost missing it with the weakness developing in your body from his touch. Once affirmatively in your hand you reluctantly turned to leave before his insatiable eyes would need to be satisfied but as you swung around to view a couple classmates entering the room, a strong, firm grasp landed on your wrist and twisted your focus. Looking back at the man to which the oppressing wrist belonged, a hushed whisper, not so subtly laced with lust reverberated in your ear. "Happy Valentine's Day, Brooke".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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