Chapter 5: Fight

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(3rd Person POV)

"YOU!" Weiss yells furiously as she sees (Y/N) hide behind Winter. "Weiss do you know that kid or something?" The person with Weiss asks. "I was worried something like this might happen. This is our little brother (Y/N)." Winter explains. "More like little nuisance." Weiss adds. "Weiss that's not a very nice thing to say about your brother." The person says. "I don't care! All he is is a worthless little annoyance to me." Weiss says before starting to walk off. "Weiss! Come back!" The person calls. (Y/N) doesn't know what to do. He was told by Jacques once that if someone says or does something that seems mean to you they're really doing it out of love. Winter had told him not to trust anything Jacques said though, so he's not sure who to trust. The person sighs before approaching (Y/N) hiding behind Winter and kneeling down. "Sorry... she can be a bit of an ice queen sometimes. My name is Ruby. It's nice to meet you." Ruby says putting her hand out. Winter watches (Y/N) slowly reach his hand out and shake Ruby's. "So you must be the leader of my sister's team i've heard about." Winter says startling Ruby. "Oh! Um... hello..." Ruby says nervously. (Y/N) laughs a bit. "I... um... i'm gonna go now... bye!" Ruby says before running away to try to find Weiss. "Follow me (Y/N)." Winter says. Winter starts walking and (Y/N) follows her closely. Eventually they end up in front of Beacon Academy. (Y/N) looks in awe at how big the academy is. Suddenly, (Y/N) and Winter hear someone rip the head off of an Atlesian Knight. "Hey!" They both turn around and see a man with black hair. "Yeah i'm talkin to you ice queen." The man says. "Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. Guess you're here too." "I'm standing right before you." Winter responds. The man visibly squints as if to make sure. "So it would seem" He says. "You realize you just destroyed Atlas military property?" Winter says. "Ooooh i'm sorry. See I mistook this for some sort of.. sentient garbage." The man says sarcastically. "I don't have time for your immature games Qrow." Winter says angrily. "Winter who is this?" (Y/N) asks confused. "So who is the kid? I didn't realize you were a specialist and a babysitter. Though I guess the skillsets for both are very similar." The man named Qrow remarks. "You leave my little brother out of this." Winter says seriously. "Oh is he supposed to be another one of you? No wonder it seems like he can't defend himself." Qrow says rudely. "If you will not hold your tongue then I will gladly remove it for you." Winter says angry as she draws her sword. "Alright then. Come take it" Qrow says with a smirk. Winter seemingly vanishes before appearing in front of Qrow and trying to attack him. (Y/N) backs up slowly nervously as a fight breaks out in the courtyard of Beacon. "What's going on over here?" (Y/N) hears a familiar voice ask. He looks over and sees Ruby with Weiss looking at the fight. (Y/N) hides quietly at the sight of Weiss and insteads tries to follow the fight going on between Winter and the man named Qrow. "Is that... Winter?" Weiss asks confused. "THAT'S MY UNCLE!" Ruby yells excitedly. "KICK HER BUTT UNCLE QROW!" Eventually the two end up back where they started and Qrow seems to notice something. Qrow puts away his weapon and taunts Winter with his finger. Winter starts towards Qrow, but someone stops her by yelling at her. "Schnee!" Someone yells at Winter causing her to stop. Winter looks back and sees Ironwood looking at her. (Y/N) slowly comes out of hiding as Ironwood talks to Winter. Eventually other people show up and tell the crowd to leave as Ironwood tells Winter to follow him. Winter sees (Y/N) and signals him to come with her. Qrow is told to come too and they all walk towards Beacon Academy.

Note to self: People don't like cliffhangers.

702 words

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