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Here they come


The great Hall was full that morning and by no means quiet, each house on his own table and each student on his own conversation especially the four boys in the Gryffindor table, on one side a dark haired boy with round glasses and dark eyes, at his side a tall boy with hazel eyes and scars on his handsome face, across him a short boy with brown hair and by his side a boy with long hair and beautiful gray eyes, the dark haired boy wasn't exactly in the conversation he was looking at a redhead sitting in the same table a few feet away. The name of the four boy are James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black.

-Oi Prongs stop looking at the poor girl!- said Sirius when he noticed that james wasn't listening- I can't!- james responded and he really couldn't, he was just so beautiful –You gonna have to if you don't want her to hex you into oblivion- Remus said lifting his face from looking at his plate while james glared at him and said- she won't do that- I think she will- said Peter mocking him and before he could say anything back a loud crash was heard and all the heads turn to were it came from. Standing there were 8 persons and a little boy, a black haired girl with green eyes another girl with brown light messy hair and next to her holding her hand a redhead boy, next to them a girl with the same hair and eyes also holding the hand of a blonde girl with a beautiful smile and holding the black haired girl hand was a platinium haired boy who was holding a little boy that couldn't be older tan two years and a single boy with black hair and another girl with long hair with gray eyes, none of them looked older than 20 years old but somehow even tho they all had smile on there faces they looked sad.

-See i told you we could do it- the girl with the gray eyes said-i'm sorry for being worried that we could all die Arti-the girl with the messy hair replied and before they could continue the black haired girl talked for the first time-as much as i like seeing your little figth maybe we could leave it for later and maybe explaint to this poor people-that will be much appreciated- said Dumbledore and gestured for them to continued talking-before that could we talk to you priveately profesor?- of course follow me- and with that they left the GH- how can i help and if you may explain how you got into Hogwarts without an invitation?- he asked and the black haired girl responded-yes, we come from the future from the year 1999- for the first time in history professor Albus Dumbledore looked surprised- wonderfull but why is it that you came if i may ask- some tragic thing happend in our time and we were hoping to change it- the redhead girl said –i understand-he responded seeing the hurt look in their faces-let me introduce you so you can explain- professor before that could you summond some people-certainly who?-Euphemia and Flemont Potter, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and Molly and Arthur Weasley-and with that he cast a Patronus and smile to them.

As they entered the Great Hall the whispers grew louder-I will explain but first lets wait for some more guest – and with that he left and when back to his seat. As he did that the doors of the great hall opened showing Euphemia and Flemont Potter, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and Molly and Arthur Weasley. When James and Sirius saw Euphemia and Flemont they stood up and run to hug them-Mum, dad what are you doing here?-professor Dumbledore called us here-thank you for coming i know you all have questions but first why don't we let them explain and introduce themselves. The girl with the brown messy hair started talking-before we introduce ourselves we should probably tell you that we come from the future the year 1999 to be more exact- the whispers formed again but before they could grew stronger she spoke again-i know it sounds weird but it is the truth. I am Hermione Granger and you don't know my family name because i am a muggleborn- of course disgusted looks came from the Slytherin table-I am twenty years old and i belong to Gryffindor-she said and the house cheered for her-Thank you and i work in the ministry and i think that's all-as she stood aside the two redheads got close-hello my name is Ron Weasley-Molly and Arthur looked at eachother-Are you this one?-Molly asked as she pointed at her pregnant belly-no mum, those are the twins George and ..and Fred-he said as he looked down but Arthur and Molly didn't notices because they were smiling at the other-oh Arthur, twins!-yes dear, so exciting- sorry for interrupting dear continue- that's alright mum, i am 20 years old and i am in Gryffindor-again the table clapped and Arthur and Molly smiled-i work as an auror and i am engaged to Hermione-he said smiling to mione and his parents realice that their youngest boy even tho he wasn't born yet was a great man and so in love. With that he took his fiance hand and walked to his parents-and i am Ron's younger sister Ginny-A GIRL!-yes mum and also the last child and just as the rest of my brothers a Gryffindor-once again the house clapped-i am 19 years old and i think that's all-she step down and sat with his brother and parents at the Gryffindor table. The next boy looked scared to say who he was, scare of revealing something who will change many lives - good morning! My name is Neville Longbottom son of Frank and Alice Longbottom-Frank and Alice who just started dating but were so in love looked lovingly and Lily james and sirius shouted-I told you that you two will get married-WELL DONE FRANK!-they smile to their friends and told Neville to keep talking-i'm also a Gryffindor-THAT'S MY SON-thanks dad i am 20 years old and i work with professor Sprout-he said smiling to his favorite teacher who smile back. As he reach his parents he hug them with so much love and meaning even if they didn't notice. The next one was the blonde haired girl-Hey my name is Luna Lovegood, my parents already graduated so they aren't here i am also 20 years old and i am a magizoologist, i belong to the house of Ravenclaw-and for the first time the ravens clapped for their future member, before she talked again she send a look to Ginny who sent her a nod back-and i am also Ginny's girlfriend-Molly and Arthur smile to their daughter and her girlfriend, it didn't matter she was still their little girl and they were proud the she was so brave to love so freely. Luna walked to her girlfriend and sat next to her.

The next boy with platinium hair let go of the black haired girl hand and pass her the little boy, he was clearly nervous-good morning...my name is Draco Malfoy-the voices grew stronger but Narcissa and Lucius smile nonetheless-i'm 20 years old and belong to Slytherin and i work as an auror-that caused a shock weren't the Malfoy's death eaters?-and i been married for the past 8 months but i'cant tell you to who just yet, so i'll keep it for myself a little while longer- as he step down he took the boy who reach his arms for him from the girl and stood aside waiting for her so Narcissa and Lucius assumed this was his wife. The gray eyed girl got ready to introduce herself, she had a playfull smile that the school knew to well –Hello old people!-she said and the black haired girl hit her forehead with her hand-Arti what did we talked about?-yes yes i'm sorry Har, now let me introduce myself. My name is Artemis Black daughter of Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon-many emotions run through the great hall. James Remus and Peter were smiling to Sirius who thought he was going to be a bachelor forever, Sirius had gone pale and Marlene had a questioning look, sure they had fun from time to time but never nothing serious-I am as most of us 20 years old and i am in Gryffindor-and for what felt like the hundred time the house cheered for their future member-Thank you i know i am awesome!-you are an idiot-Thank you best friend, i love you too Har-it was notorius that they had a great friendship-and i am not working at the momento but that's a story for another time-and with that she finish and went straight to her parents to hug them with all of her strength-good luck my friend-she said to the dark haired girl who smile to her-well i guess is just me left, so brace yourselves-she said smiling-My name is Harriet Lily Potter daughter of James and Lily Potter-but before she could keep talking she was interrumped by her parents-Yes! I got my Lilypad-I married potter?!-I assume you can guest who said what. Harry looked ready to cry she really hoped they could change the future-yes you did mum and dad-that felt weird to even say- Well with that said i am a Gryffindor and also 20 years- James and Lily smile and proud while the table cheer for her- and i think that's it the rest you will found it in the movies. Should we begin?.

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