Chapter 29 - The Investigation Begins

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"Let's begin the test," Shaak Ti states as we both stand watching the droids and doctor gathered around Tup's bed.

"Administer the simulant," commands the Kaminoan doctor. For some reason, I get a funny feeling about her. I can't tell what it is, but it doesn't feel like I should trust anyone in this. Except maybe the clones themselves. Not surprising. I'm sure the clones were created on the command of Sidious. Even if he isn't in control of everything that happens here, he's going to have plenty of informants. A medical droid injects a substance into the clone's chest. "Remove his mask," orders the doctor, and the droid does so. The moment he does, Tup opens his eyes, but he still doesn't appear to be in control of himself. He starts thrashing wildly in his restraints.

Fives jumps up and runs over to the window separating the rooms. I can sense his panic way too clearly, and I wince in sympathy. I don't know what they're doing to Tup, but it seems to be hurting him. I can only tell myself this will be for the good of the galaxy.

Shaak Ti raises a hand towards the window, using the Force to turn on a screen, blocking the view. Was that really necessary? I think he has a right to see what we're doing to his brother. I want to snap something at her, but I hold my tongue. I don't need to get in an argument with someone who I'm supposed to be investigating with. I'm starting to get concerned I'll have to do it all alone.

"His reaction will subside," reassures the Kaminoan doctor, "The patient must be awake for the next round of tests."

"I am not fond of these types of tests," replies Shaak Ti calmly.

"Yes, but they give us all the information we need in a timely fashion," the doctor replies casually, as if the clone's feelings don't matter one bit. I suppose that's how they view them though – as nothing more than human droids. She steps over to a screen I can't see and starts poking it.

"That doesn't make it right," I grumble.

"Speed is of importance here," responds the doctor calmly, before getting back to business, "There does not seem to be any sign of infection in the blood. How curious." Tup finally stops thrashing, going still.

"Just as I expected," I mutter, glancing at Shaak Ti. I have the strong feeling the Jedi Master does not share my opinion on this. If only Anakin or Obi-Wan had been given this job temporarily instead. At least they'd pay more attention to my opinion, which I'm making largely from my knowledge of the future.

"The subject has tested negative on all accounts," reports the hovering medical droid, "This clone seems to be in perfect health."

"We must be missing something," declares Shaak Ti.

"Yes, something, but not necessarily a virus," I point out, "We have to take all possibilities into consideration, here."

Tup's eyes open and his gaze darts around the room before falling on me and Shaak Ti. With a growl, he starts struggling to break free and attack us again. I quickly back out of his sight in an attempt to make him calm down, but apparently Shaak Ti, despite being a Jedi Master and thrice my age, doesn't have the same common sense.

"Are you finished with your test?" she asks, continuing to stand within Tup's line of sight. The doctor nods in confirmation. "Then sedate him," she orders.

"Yes, ma'am." They do as she said, and the medical droid puts the mask back over his face. He's unconscious again in moments.

"It appears this clone has orders to kill the Jedi," she observes. Has she seriously not put two and two together already? It should be obvious! I hope she's just pretending. "Perhaps the Separatists found a way to brainwash him." Never mind that.

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