Chapter 44 - A Promise Unbroken

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A sensation of horrified understanding pours through my bond with Anakin. He knows, of course. He knows he was the Sith apprentice from the future I told him about – who helped destroy the Jedi and keep the Sith Empire standing for so long. I wish I'd told him what happened now. Things never would have gone this far. If he knew he was going to Fall in the future, it never would have happened now. And how he knows that he was Vader, having found out in the worst way possible. Why did I ever tell them the name of the future Sith apprentice? It shouldn't have mattered anyway.

I promised Vader I'd change the future. That I'd keep him from turning to the Dark Side, but I failed. And whatever way I figure it, it's my fault. If I hadn't suggested the not-so-brilliant idea of killing Sidious on the Invisible Hand, we'd never be in this mess. But now, it's too late. I'll have to deal with the consequences.

"Rise, my apprentice," Sidious commands. Anakin stands up, refusing to look our direction. His gaze is fixed on the floor.

"And now," the Sith Master continues gleefully, "Every single Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic. They are traitors and must all be eliminated."

Anakin stares at him for a moment. "I don't think so," he retorts, eyes narrowing.

"You would dare disobey your master?" asks Sidious with altogether too much calm. Almost like this was what he was hoping for. He's clearly planning something, and though I don't know what, I don't like the sound of it at all.

"I won't," Anakin repeats confidently, "The Jedi aren't innocent, but that doesn't mean they all deserve to die."

"Very well," Sidious responds. I can't deny the prickle of fear that runs down my spine at his expression. He looks past Anakin to the motionless figure of Maul in the doorway. "Kill him," he commands. For a moment, I'm confused, but then I realize this all was something clearly planned out ahead of time.

Maul ignites his lightsaber and stalks forwards, straight towards Obi-Wan. My blood runs cold. Of course. Sidious must have promised Maul this to get him to capture me. It works both ways, because if Obi-Wan's dead, there will be one less person holding Anakin back from the Dark Side. Sidious can use both of us as leverage now, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Anakin is suddenly standing in front of Maul, blocking the blow not a moment too soon. He'd moved so fast I barely even registered it. Their lightsabers jerk apart, as they glare at each other for a moment before the blades start clashing. Anakin's blue blade spins between the two ends of Maul's lightsaber as he attacks him furiously.

The slightest movement suddenly catches my attention. Dooku's lightsaber moves across the floor as if completely on its own, slowly levitating itself into the air before suddenly igniting and cutting though Obi-Wan's restraints. Artoo reacts simultaneously, opening his compartment. Obi-Wan pulls his lightsaber out of it, jumping in front of Anakin to block the blast of lightning Sidious shoots at him.

I don't even need to ask who just did that. Anakin was otherwise occupied. Maul is too busy fighting, and there's no reason in the world he would have done that unless he was trying to cut off Obi-Wan's head and missed so spectacularly it's not even funny. Sidious has no reason to do so unless he's completely gone mad. So, there's only one other option. It must have been Dooku's doing. Clearly, his master's betrayal is giving him second thoughts, after all.

"You have interfered with my plans far too long, Kenobi," snarls Sidious furiously, withdrawing his lightsaber. The red blade hisses to life as he jumps at Obi-Wan. Moments later, he's furiously attacking him, the Jedi Master slowly retreating from the intensity of the blows.

If only I could actually be helping in the fight, instead of being stuck here chained up. With this whole mess being my fault in the first place, the least I can do is help win this fight. Anakin may be able to win against Maul, but I'm not sure how long Obi-Wan will be able to hold off Sidious. For someone who is so obsessed with using lightning, his lightsaber combat skills are really, really good. I can only hope Obi-Wan, with his experience in Soresu, can hold out until Anakin comes to join him.

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