----> chapter 3.

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The pale, shiny floors of the hospital reflected my dull, faded shoes. I could see my tired face looking back at me as I stared. It was quiet in the waiting room, aside from clicks of the computer the receptionist was using. The one lone TV in the corner of the room was muted, so I could only imagine what was even happening in the commercial that was on.


I looked up to the source of the voice to see the doctor standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe as he did so. I stood up and walked over to him, and he gave a small smile before turning and gesturing for me to follow him.

He took basic vitals, like my blood pressure and my weight. My weight was lower than it had been the last time I came here, but then again, I haven't been to the doctor since I moved here. 

"So how long have you lived here?"

I stared up from the floor as we walked through the hallway, passing nurses and other patients either leaving or coming in themselves. "Not long. Maybe a year or so."

"Ah, I see. I've lived here practically my whole life."

We walked in silence, until he opened the door to the examination room, before allowing me to sit down. "Tiara will be in here to ask you some questions, and I'll come back to discuss your concerns afterwards."

Tiara, or the nurse, came in and sat down her clipboard. "Hi, I'm Tiara. How's your day?"

"I guess I'm doing okay."

"That's good! So, do you smoke? Drink?"

General questions about habits and my mental and physical health continued, with me popping out several yes's, but mainly no.

After what felt like hours, she finally left, and I was left alone. The room was eerily silent and dark, aside from the light actually coming from the ceiling. Why did I even come here? I mean yeah, it was good for my mental sake or whatever, but I would probably be fine with just. Y'know. Going to sleep at 4 in the morning and waking up at 2 in the afternoon. It's not like my job really required me to get up early or wake up at a certain time. 

The door opened, and the doctor stepped in. "Hello, Y/N. So you're concerned about your lack of sleep?"

I scratched at my hand. "Not really of a concern, more just something I noticed, I guess." 

He sat down in the swivel chair next to the counter by the door, and sat down his clipboard. "I see. So, how much sleep on average do you get a night?"

I shrugged. "I'd be lucky to get maybe an hour that's actually at night."

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "Okay...when do you go to bed? Wake up?"

"I usually go to sleep around 4 in the morning, and wake up at noon."

His face shifted to one of concern. "That doesn't sound great. Is this by choice?"

I shook my head. "When this first started happening, I would try fighting sleep because I didn't want to, but now, I just let it take over, no matter what I'm doing."

"And when did this irregular sleep schedule actually start?"

I shrugged again, this time with more of a knowing tone to it, though I knew he didn't know that. "A couple weeks ago, maybe. When I moved houses."

"Could it have something to do with living near town?"

I shook my head. "Probably not."

He sighed, before writing some notes down on his clipboard. "From what you're telling me, you're suffering from mild insomnia. You can still manage to sleep, just not when you should, correct?"

I nodded without saying a word. He clicked his pen, scribbling out something before standing up. "I'm going to prescribe you sleeping pills, for right now. I'm going to ask that you try monitoring your sleep schedule more closely while taking the pills, and I'll schedule you an appointment for next month and we'll see how it's going. That alright?"

I nodded, again, in silence. He shook my hand and turned to walk out the door. "Alright, the nurse'll be in in a second to give you the note to take to your pharmacy. Have a good rest of your day."


"Here you go, have a nice day."

The woman behind the counter handed me my pill bag (whatever you call it), and I gave a faint smile before turning and making my way out of the store. I heard a shout from behind me just as I hit the mat in front of the automatic doors. I turned, looking around for the source of the noise. I found it, right in front of the produce section of the store. "Hand it over, old lady!"

I noticed a blue haired boy and a pink haired girl, both sporting the same clothing, black and white themed with bandanas over their hair. The symbol on their shirts seemed familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I'd seen it before. 

"Leave her alone, you hoodlums! Go harrass someone else!"

Someone else, who looked to be the store manager, ran up to the three, trying to rush the two people out and let the older woman get away from them. 

"Fine, but only because the stuff in your purse probably sucks, yo!"

The two strangely dressed people pushed past me, muttering to themselves as they made their way outside. I waited until they were out of sight before going through the doors myself.

As I walked home, I kept thinking of the symbol on their clothes. I could swear I'd seen it somewhere, but I still couldn't remember. Oh well, I'd look for it later. Maybe it was a new trend or something.

I opened my front door, to be greeted with silence. I was used to it, and it was comforting now.

I unfolded the bag, taking the small pill bottle out and twisting the cap off, letting a pill fall into my hand. The prescription said to only take one a day before 7 PM. It was 6:30...so, y'know, I was on time.

I poured some water into a cup from my cabinet and swallowed the pill, and put the cup into the sink. 

I just wanted to sleep now, so I walked up the creaky stairs and opened my bedroom door, almost tripping over a pair of shoes as I did so. I really need to clean in here at some point. 

I turned on my fan, to help me sleep, maybe. 

I flopped down into bed, not even bothering to change first. Normally, I would, but I was just really tired.

As I fell asleep, I started to think about that symbol. Again. Why did it keep coming back to me? Why that specifically? Where had I seen it before?

It clicked just as I thought about a week ago, when I made a grocery trip. 

The guy with white hair.

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