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When we got into the dinning room after getting mine and Chase's breakfast the others were already done with theirs and had put their plates in a pile in the middle of the table. Chase sat down with me on his lap, I guess there was no other chairs in this house.

"So, what do we have to do?" Levi asked Tristan. I don't know the context of this conversation but I wanted to, not because I wanted in but because I was interested in what the do and how they plan it. "Destroy his building." Tristan looked to Chase who was to busy eating to listen. I looked at Quinn who was smoking and staring at me. I looked back down and continued to eat. "Do we need to kill anybody?" Liam asked. "No but one of you two need to "kidnap" his wife during the fi-." They all looked to chase who perked up and leaned forward crushing me against the table. "Ow ow." I said. "Fire? Do I get to-... oh sorry, El." He leaned back. "Do I get to start a fire?" He looked at Quinn whose eyes didn't lift from me. "Yes." Tristan replied for Quinn. "A big one?" Chase asked, smiling widely. Tristan sighed. "A big enough one to destroy the building so that we get the money we deserve."

"What's with the wife?" Quinn cleared his throat. "A ransom." Tristan replied simply. "Mm." Quinn tapped the end of his cigarette into an ash tray. "What do we do with El?" Chase asked, leaning back pulling me with him. I don't think it was purposely though. I tried putting my fork to my plate to get more food but failed and dropped my fork on the ground. I frowned and looked up paying attention again.

They were all looking at me.

"Well..." Levi and Liam said. "Well." Tristan said. "He can come with us?" Chase suggested. I looked to Chase. "No." Both me and Quinn said. I looked back to Quinn. "He'll be more trouble than it's worth." He looked at Tristan who shrugged.

"But do you really wanna leave him here?" Levi asked Quinn. Quinn looked down for a second. "He can stay in the car with Tristan." Liam suggested. "We do need someone to fix us up after we do things like this."

"And he is a nurse." They both said. "Not... really." I looked down at my hands. "You're still more then capable of putting bandages on people and cleaning blood up." Quinn said. I looked up at him. "I'll allow you to come if you promise to keep out of our way." He smushed the cigarette out against the glass of the ash tray. "I-... okay." I said scratching my head. "Okay." He said not looking at me.

"Mkay, that's it for now." Tristan said. "We have to be out of here by seven tonight to be at Mr. Goldman's. He said there's some things he needs to tell us about the security and other things."

"Alright." Chases, the twins and Quinn all said together. Quinn was the first to get up and walk away. "How come Quinn never has to do the dishes?" Chase complained. "Because he never wants to." Tristan told him and tapped the table.

"Well I never want to."

"You're not Quinn are you?" Tristan looked at Chase. "Ah... good point." Chase nodded. "Since you complained you can do them." Tristan got up taking his laptop with him. "What how's that make sense?" Chase frowned. The twins got up and left the room. "Hey hang on?" Chase picked me up, placed me on the chair and went after them. "Oh um... wait a minute Chase. I can do the dishes." I offered. He turned around. "Really? Mmm well okay. We can do them together." He smiled. I nodded and got up collecting mine and Chase's plates. I walked over to grabbed the other plates wincing as I limped and heard Chase whisper to himself. "No, go away." He said but he was turned around and slightly hunched over, covering his ears.

"Chase, can you help me carry these?" I asked him. He took a deep breath and turned around to face me. "Yeah, sorry." He grabbed the plates from my hand. His eyes looked more tired like he lost a year of sleep in the past minute. "You okay?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled and walked ahead to the kitchen. I followed after him, putting the dishes in the sink when I reached it. I looked to the ground and saw that someone had cleaned the mess from last night up but there was still blood stains from my wrist on the floor in the corner. "That's gonna be a pain to get up."

"Yeah... um I'm sorry for ruining you guys's house. I shoulda been more careful." I sighed, closing my eyes. "Hey, no. No, no, no, no ,no." He shook his head. "You didn't do anything wrong." He cupped my face squishing my cheeks together. "What they did isn't your fault. Got it?" He looked in my eyes with his bright, round one dark blue and one gray eyes. I nodded. "Good." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I smiled sadly hiding it against his chest. I still felt responsible and more hated because of it.

"Let's... do the dishes now." I said letting go of him. He let go of me and nodded. "You know Quinn likes when people help out around the house." I looked at Chase. "I don't really care if Quinn likes me or not. He's a jerk." I dripped soap onto the sponge I picked up. Chase shrugged.

Chase was acting weird and that's saying a lot especially for Chase.

He would stop and stare at nothing for moments even after I said his name a few times and his blinking would quicken. He kept talking in a low voice but every time I would ask what he was saying he would just shake his head and say nothing.

He did it again but this time he closed his eyes and leaned on the counter. "E- El can you go get one of the boys and tell them I'm having... an episode." He put his head in his hands. "Um, yeah." I put the fork I was cleaning down and looked at him curiously. "H- hurry, please. I c- can't."

"Okay okay I'm going." I ran to go get Tristan because that the first person I could think of to help. I didn't even knock, just opened the door causing him to jump slightly. "It would be appre-."

"Chase said to tell you guys he's having an episode."

Tristan's eyes widened. "Bloody hell." He jumped out of bed and ran to Gunners room opening the door. "Chase." He told him then they both went to the kitchen. Tristan turned around and looked at me. "Go get Quinn." He told me. I nodded then hesitated because he was probably in his room.

No, Chase probably needs him. It's okay, don't be scared.

I went up the stairs that lead to Quinn's room. I hesitatingly knocked on his door but he must not of heard me. So, I knocked louder. "Ow, Dammit." I said as the door opened. "Can I help you?" He looked down at me with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I stood there staring at him and his beautifully tattooed covered, perfectly chiseled stomach and chest. "You don't have a sh- shirt on." He looked down at himself. "Do I need to have one on?"

"No, um sorry Chase is having an episode and everyone told me-."

"Shit. Dammit, Elliot." He pushed me to the wall forcefully to make room to get past me and hurried down the stairs. I followed a couple steps after him. I wanted to make sure Chase was okay.

"I don't think I can hold him back anymore. Tristan help me." Chase cried. He was on the floor now huddled up to himself. "Him?" I asked myself softly. "You might want to stand back." Levi put an arm in front of me. "What's happening?" I looked up to him and stepped back.

"Chase has psychotic episodes every so often." Liam said stepping up next to me, sighing.

"Chase, you know trying holding it back only makes it worse." Quinn spoke calmly. "Why'd you do that?" He asked looking at Chase. Chase looked at me then the rest of them did too. Quinn sighed. "Never m-."

Chase started laughing quietly.

"Shit." Quinn said. Chase stood up. "What did you think I wasn't coming back?" His voice for deeper and frightening. "Chase." Quinn stepped back. "I'm not Chase. How many times do we have to tell you? Huh, Quinnie? Are you that dense?" He snickered. Quinn rolled his eyes. "No, I remember. Sorry, Chance."

"Why'd you come out, Chance?" Tristan questioned carefully. "Because I thought it's been to long. I missed you guys.... I also saw something my brother liked." Chase er Chance said.

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