The break up?.

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As I was crawling, I found a picture flying up to the vents from Evans room. It was a stupid picture of Michael. "Why did you give me this." I asked. "Because I know your leaving and I don't care if you miss Michael or not. So keep the picture." He replied. I groaned and kept the picture. I started crawling away and I saw Michael. Michael saw me. "Ennard!" He said. "No..I want to tell you something." I said. Michael looked up to me. "Hm?." "I want a break up." I said looking away. "Wait..your-" "No I'm not kidding. I don't want to see your face ever again" I said at him firmly. So before I left, I put him down. But after that, he ran off crying to his bedroom. I didn't really care anymore.


I saw Michael running to his room crying. I left my room to check up on him. "Michael? Can you open your door?" I asked. When I asked him that, I heard lots of ripping and crying. "MIKEY OPEN THE DOOR!" I shouted. Michael stopped crying but still didn't open the door. "Fuck you Ennard..! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" He said while crying. "Mikey if you don't open this door, I'm telling mom." I said. "I DONT GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE!" He shouted. I ran to mom and shouted, "Mikey's crying in his room and he won't open the door!". "Evan, Darling...I heard what happened..just give him some space." Mom said. I nodded.


I hate him so much...he didn't let me explain...I turned off my lights because I felt like it. It was dark and quiet. I tried to forget about Ennard but his words hurt me..I went to my bed and went under my covers. It was even darker. I couldn't breathe much though. I don't really care since I'm already dead. I left a space on the bed because I knew someone would come to my bedroom. I'll just take a little nap.


I heard Mikey crying and I wanted to see if he was okay. But I went to my room fist and grabbed Ennards weird stuffy. He forgot it. I turned into my Angel form and went through his wall. When I got to his room, I put the weird stuffy next to him. I tried writing him a letter but I can't spell or write. "S..Stop..." Mumbled Michael. "Mikey what's wrong?" I asked. "G-GET AWAY FROM ME...!" Michael shouted. I heard crying from him. I don't know why though. Maybe his playing with his action figures! I smiled. [Poor Elizabeth. She doesn't know what's happening] "Goodnight Mikey!" I said while smiling.



I'm pretty sure I heard lots of sobbing last night. But I didn't want to disturb Michael after his break up. "Doesn't Michael have nightmares at night?" My brain thought. Wait...That's the clue! He cries when he has a nightmare! But then he can't wake up right now since he is in a nightmare...especially when he's alone. I sadly don't know where the keys are. "ENNARD...! PLEASE...DONT LEAVE ME..!" Michael shouting in his nightmare. I couldn't help myself...I have to barge in without his permission. I can't let him stay in his nightmare.


"Maybe if you didn't cheat on me, I would've stayed with you!" Ennard yelled. "It wasn't my fault you asshole!" I shouted. "I should've left you to die/rot. But I had to use you for a stupid skin suit." "...." There was silence. I tried ignoring him but my head said "ENNARD...! PLEASE...DONT LEAVE ME..!" I would be useless without him. Ennard ran off. I felt like he didn't really like me.


I woke up from my mother. "Michael, Darling, I heard you crying and shouting while you were sleeping." My mother said. I ignored her and told her to go away and lock my door. I stared at my window and saw a few birds flying by. It made me feel a little better. I don't know why I like birds though. They have beautiful feathers. I took off my covers and saw Ennards Exotic butter stuffy. Since it was reminding me of Ennard, I threw the stuffy on the floor hard. "I fucking hate you.." I said softly. "Hate you too." Said a voice. When I heard it, I looked around. But there was nothing or somebody. "Up here, idiot." Said a familiar voice. It was Ennard..."Why were you watching me you asshole." I said. "Oh so now I'm an asshole? What happened to all of the nicknames you called me?" Ennard saying as he was crawling away. But he wasn't just crawling away. He was crawling to my way. Ennard jumped out of the vents and stared at me. "Your a mess." He said looking up and down. "You know what happened." I growled. Ennard laughed, "Ah yes, I know.". "Now go away, I don't want to see you." I said looking away. "Alright then.~ I bet your going to need me soon." He said jumping back up to the vents. I need to put something up on the vents.

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