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Previously on Cortney...

At that very moment, my hands swelled up into fists and my heart pounding could be heard by the world...I had to do it for Samatha because she is the only family I had... just imaged that those guys were taking my ice-cream and they were out in a second...The henchman pulled the trigger and killed her, I knew it was not the time to cry...He killed my best friend this meant war, if you mess with my ice-cream, I will put you in the hospital, if you mess with my friend, I'll make your grave.

I finally woke up; I think it's a few hours later I can't really tell. I am strapped to a metal bed it feels very cold, as I look around, I realize that I am in a prison cell, there is a guard outside, I don't want to make any sudden movements, I don't know if they want to torture me, or something like in that movie Justice League or Attack on Titian. 

I try to wiggle my feet, but they are strapped down too, as well as my arms. They obviously don't want me moving but I'm smarter than these imbeciles.

They strapped me down with these belt things. They should have gone with metal handcuffs. I scoot my head a little and pulled on the end of the belt strap till the buckle got loose, and when my right hand was free, I undid my other hand.

The guards looked like they were preoccupied with a happy meal, such a child even I stopped eating happy meals around the age of 11. 

While the guard was occupied by his toy, I quickly undid my legs. Now getting out of here was going to be the tricky part. 

It doesn't look like there are any windows or metal bars that you often see in the movies when someone is locked in prison.

However, I did spot a metal toilet that was next to a pillar probably for privacy but from the outside, you can't see in. 

So, I quickly ran and stepped on top of the toilet, and waited behind the pillar till these idiots think I'm gone. It didn't take long for one of the guards to notice that I was gone. One of the guards said Oh no she's gone boss is going to kill us.

 They said that as they opened the gate. They said their boss is going to kill them to me that doesn't sound like a healthy work environment.

 As the guards open the gate and walked for the metal bed I ran towards the gate and locked it.

They probably have a key, so it wasn't going to hold them long. 

 I didn't know which way to go but the guards that were probably guarding other prisoners realized this kid isn't supposed to be here so they started to chase after me, and they had military-grade guns so I ran in the opposite direction, finally, my gut did something right but if it was working properly early, I probably wouldn't be in this situation. 

I ran in the opposite direction and I notice lots of doors but no exit, and no windows the guards were still behind me, so I quickly opened one of the closest doors and ran inside.

This room had a lot more light than the rest of the building. I looked around there was no one here but there were two windows, but as I was heading to the windows a bunch of guards or henchmen or whatever came in the room. 

 I knew what I had to do, and I ran towards that window like I was speedy Gonzales, you know that old cartoon, but as I looked outside the window. 

 There were henchmen everywhere, I don't know why they are looking for me so frantically, I am not that important I am just a little 14-year-old girl who loves ice-cream and is an orphan.

That's when I realized I was cornered, the henchmen people didn't knock me out this time they just tied me to a chair they obviously didn't want me to get free this time because they tied my legs to the legs of the chair, I think it's kind of ironic, and they tied my arm to the back of the chair they also put a belt strap around my chest to keep me from moving. 

They left me in the room, only for about five seconds though, it's like these people don't trust me to be alone.

 The next thing I know I see the boy and the fine-looking gentlemen walk into the room. The boy went to the desk that was in the office room and sat at the seat and the gentlemen stood beside him. I am stunned if this boy is one of the leaders of this gang.

The boy sat down, and he said you beat up men at the school, and then you escaped from my prison that was being guarded by two of my men. 

All, I could think is about was, this boy is about a year older than me and he is saying my men and my prison he must be a little gang prodigy, I wonder if his parents know what he is doing or is he an orphan that ran away? 

It looked like the kid wanted a response or something so I stuck out my tongue, it's the least I can do. 

The kid gave me a smirk and said I like you, you're interesting, then he said something so horrible and so awful that I just wanted to hop out of my seat and slap the daylights out of him I wanted to do more than slap the daylights out of him.

I would want to leave him alive then take everything he loves away from him. 

The kid told me that he wanted me to join him and work for him under his watchful eye. I of course screamed no, I wasn't afraid that he would slap me or kill me, that was the least of my problems. 

Then he got off his seat and pointed a gun at me then he said you join me, or you die. Dying wasn't a big problem for me but I did like my life, so I wanted to stall for a bit, to think of what to do next. 

So, I told this cute-faced idiot, I can't join you because you're just a kid and you don't run this gang and that he has no real power, to let a prisoner join the club. 

Unexpectedly, he said but I do run the place, I am the boss, I am the mafia leader...

I'm pretty sure when I fainted at the school I landed in an alternate universe where grown-ups didn't mind getting told what to do by a kid.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading my story, I am a new writer so please bear with me I will try to upload a part of this story every day. I know that I don't have that many readers, but any reader is okay if they enjoy the story.

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